#71 You Wont Admit That You Need Him

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When you can't reach something.

You hate that he's so tall, and you hate that he's always towering over you, but you especially hate that stupid grin he gets when you need him to reach the top shelf of supermarkets, or even your own kitchen, to get the things you want.

That's why you never ask him for help; because you know that he'll get that stupid grin, and will chuckle at you, before calling you cute and pecking your lips.

But, what's even worse is that he knows you get embarrassed by it, even in the privacy of your own home, because your cheeks turn beet red and you won't look at him.

And, of course, this just results in more grinning and chuckling and kissing.



When you're afraid.

You hate him knowing that you're afraid, because he always makes such a big deal out of it and blows it massively out of proportion. Sure, when there's a thunderstorm, you get a little scared, but he always asks if you're okay every five seconds, and cuddles with you until the storm is over. Sure, some girls might appreciate that, or find it cute, but it just made you feel stupid - like you shouldn't be dating him because you're such a baby that needs him every five seconds, and the rest of the world seemed to agree, from the hate on your Twitter.

That's why you never tell him if you're afraid; not because you think he'll judge you, but because other people will.



When you don't understand your homework.

You hate asking him for help with your homework; not because you're scared he'll judge you or think that you're dumb, but because you just don't want to ask him for help with something like that.

You don't want to be compared to him because you're scared that you'll begin to judge yourself and think that you're dumb because he knows more about that topic than you, and, well, he dropped out of school, for goodness sake!

So you tend to not ask him for help with your studies, and instead sit there, confused, until he notices that you're stuck or you fall asleep.



When he's away on tour.

You hate him worrying about you, because it just makes him more stressed. You know that he has work, that he has to perform, and that he has to be at the top of his game, so you tend to not tell him when you need him. You're afraid that if you tell him, call him before the concert that he flew on a plane for nearly five hours to sing at, that he'll get stressed and won't be able to sing as well as he could.

And you know that you'd feel terribly guilty if that happened.

So you never tell him that you missed him, not until he's home anyway, but he still knows that you do, from the desperation in your voice when you talk on the phone at night and the way you always pick him up from the airport with tears in your eyes.



When you're hurting.

You tend to not let him know when you're in pain, or hurting, in fear of him thinking that you're bothering him. You hate bothering him with miniscule problems, so when your back aches or you have a headache, you don't tell him.

But, that doesn't mean he doesn't notice.

And when he does, he wants to know why you wouldn't tell him.

And, of course, you make up something because you'd hate for him to blame himself because you can't bear to bother him.

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