Rock Me Senseless

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"What do you think she wants to wear?" I ask, digging through the layers of Katherine's bag.

            "She might be more comfortable in some of Zayn's clothing. It's bigger, less flashy, and it smells like him" Niall suggests. I nod and go to Zayn's bag. I find a large t-shirt, some basketball shorts, and a huge fluffy sweatshirt. 

            I hold up the dark gray sweatshirt "Think this will work?" I say without looking over my shoulder. 

            He hugs me from behind, laying his head on my back "Patric" he groans into my shoulder.


             "Remember what I said before we left for the flower shop?"

            I nod my head stiffly "y-yes".

            "I meant it".

            "I thought you believed in abstinence until marriage?" 

            "That was sweet, innocent, kid Niall. This is hardcore, horny, punk Niall you're talking to". 

            I try to keep my breath even, but I fail. "And what is punk Niall saying?"

            "Punk Niall is saying how much he really wants to do his adorable boyfriend" he kisses my neck and bites my ear. He presses into my back "I'll be gentle" he breathes. He grabs the hem of my plain black t-shirt and tugs it over my head. He throws it behind him "pants are next" he whispers and reaches around in front of me, playing with my zipper at first and then gently tugging them off.

            "I'm not the only one getting undressed here right?" I mumble. 

            "Of course not. Why don't you help me out?" Niall's large hands cover mine as he turns me around; he uses my hands to pull his shirt off, and then his jeans. He turns me around again pressing harder into my back, and kissing my shoulder. I can feel him through our boxers. "I want you,” he groans. 

            "I can tell,” I pant as he presses his hands to my stomach. He pulls his boxers off first, kicking them away, and then mine. I tremble as he pushes me against the back of chair so I have something to hold on to.

            "I'm not going to hurt you" he leans forward and whispers in my ear. My heart pounding so hard, my breath shudders, my legs turn to jelly. It's a good thing I have the chair.

            Niall holds my thighs firmly to keep me in place, and then buries himself inside of me. My mouth gapes and a shuddering groan escapes my throat. "Forgive me if this doesn't feel as good as it's supposed to. I'm new to this" Niall places a kiss to the back of my neck. He thrusts as hard as he can into me, my fingernails digging into the wood of the chair. 

             "Niall..." I groan and turn my head to look at him as best as I can. He kisses me, shoving his tongue down my throat as he continues to thrust. I whimper and melt underneath him. He reaches forward and grabs a hold of my length. Jerking his hand harshly up and down. "Oh god" I moan into his mouth.

            "Am I doing okay?" He pants, a little bit of sweat but a lot of pleasure showing up on his face.

            I can't even speak; I just nod and arch my back, moaning with him. I orgasm into his hand, it excites him; he thrusts faster and moves his hand in a more erratic pattern. His breathing is ragged; I can feel his heart beat pulse through my back, his breath puffs over my back. 

            "If I'm louder would you cum for me?" he laughs and kisses me again. Speeding up, I whimper, because it hurts, but I don't care, because it feels so goddamn good. "I like making you feel good" he hisses.

             "You're damn good at it to" I gasp when he orgasms. He moans and slumps forward. 

            "God. Damn" he moans, "I think we need a shower" his hands slowly let go of me, and I stand. "Did I do okay?" he gives me a sideways look. 

            I grab his face and crush my mouth to his, my fingers tangling in his hair, my tongue twisting with his. I stop after about two minutes.

            "Does that answer you?" 

            "Yeah I think so" he mumbles and shoves me against the wall, making out with me, biting my lip and shoving his tongue down my throat before dragging me off to the bathroom for a shower.

First SMUT chapter ((((((; Hope you liked it. I'm not used to writing boyxboy so I hope this didn't completely suck.


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