Getting It Straight

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Getting It Straight - crossroad


Fiona Pearce is the kind of girl who can never say no to anyone. As long as she can do something to help out, she'll do it in a heartbeat. So when her father faces a problem and asks for her help to find her missing brother, Finn, in a school where he works at, she's more than willing to extend a hand and go the extra mile. The only problem is, Corner Stone High School is not just an ordinary high school.

It is an exclusive school... for boys.

But of course, that won’t stop her from convincing her father to let her transfer to that school. And so moving in to the dormitory, Fiona then sets off in a journey to find the missing boy in a population of a four hundred and sixty-five. But will she find him? Or will she be found out? And as she gets things straight, will something unexpected happen? Tossing the coin of luck and fate, she ventures to find the answers herself.


30 Parts

I really liked this book, I enjoyed reading it :D And I especially love mystery/action/paranormal books, I don't even know why :D And this just so happens it's a mystery/thriller & humor! :D I think there's love too...? I forgot haha. But you guys should read this :D And idk I like reading stories when the main character is the only girl in an all-guys boarding school/academy/whatever. xD Sooo you guys should read it if you haven't haha.

Link to book is in external link to the right!

Unless if you wanna type everything out,

Trailor to the right.

Book cover to the right.

Thanks for all the ratings you guys gave me :D I don't have them anymore... but thanks :D


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