Imagine chp. 3

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I sat with Ben on the grassy hill top, crying, for the next few hours. The baby blew darkened into misty shades of violet as the night approached. Here we barely ever got any stars that I wanted so badly, so it was just a plain unappealing night sky.

Ben explained that Penelope had no unfinished business and that she had moved onto heaven. Of course I was happy to hear this but still wished to have her back.

It mustve been around 12:00 when I decided it best to get home. Ben came to. We walked in the front door and the sounds of my parents fighting swarmed the house. Seconds later I had hurried to my room, Ben behind me, making sure to keep there attention away from me. Ben set him self out on my little reading chair and i rested my head on my feather pillow, closing my blue teary eyes. Knowing, Ben was all I had left.

I was deep in my dreams when I was woken by a gust of wind across my uncovered toes. I opened my eyes reluctantly and remembered Id forgotten to shut the window. I looked to the far wall to see the curtains floating around flimsily letting the soft moonlight shine onto my wood floor. I pushed the covers off and sat up putting my feet on the cold floor. I walked to the window yawning but stopped in front of the mirror immediately. Something was very strange.

It was my hair. Each individual strand was fazing into a series of opague colors, starting at the roots and reaching the tips. It was amazing, like nothing Id ever seen before. I pulled my pale fingers through the straight strands to make sure it was real. I pinched myself to assure I was awake, it stung a little so I knew this was no dream.

Then I remembered back to earlier today, Ben's eyes. The same strange color happening. And i remembered what happened after that and fell into sadness. My sister was gone now, but she wouldn't be back. And as things were all clouding into my head I remembered the door, and how it led to the great places, it led to Penelope...

I tiptoed to the window, shutting it lightly, then went back to my bed to think. I pondered over my options, while twirling a strand of my strange new hair. I decided that Id take a visit to this door, but to do it with out Ben. He'd surely tell me not to go to Penelope, and that's exactly what I need to do. I need to say goodbye.

I stepped back onto the floor and walked to my closet doors, sliding them open as quietly as I could, trying not to wake anyone. I pulled out my slippers first and put the on my small feet. Then I grabbed my favorite purple jean jacket and slid it on over my white night dress. I looked in the mirror once more, mesmerized by the beauty of the transforming rainbow. I smiled and headed for the window.

I slid it open quietly and sat on the ledge, looking at Ben's peaceful sleeping face, before heaving my legs over the ledge and setting out.

I was at the bottom of the hill when I stopped. There on the now dark grass, layed a bright blue butterfly. His left wing was stuttering fast and the other one crushed up and still. He was broken and dying. My eyes teared up a little as I made up my mind. I bent down and scooped him up gently from the shimmery grass. He fluttered harder then ever and I felt the small vibration.

I trailed up the moonlit hill staring up to the top waiting to see the door. Finally I reached it. It was radiating with that brilliant glow. I glanced back at my swishing hair, still changing colors spontaneously. It was so intriguing.

I stepped in front of the door, looking in with squinted eyes.The bridge still lay, split near the end. I held up my hands in the door. The butterfly was still until a breeze lightly picked up, carrying him flimsily away, he fluttered his broken wing once and it mended. He floated gracefully on. I watched as his paper thin wings disappeared in the distance, and once they did I felt a light hand grab my shoulder.

Naturally I jumped a little in fright, then turned to see who it was. Ben, his eyes glowing. He looked a bit surprised and upset. I started think up my alibi.

"Ben, know I should have woke you, but...but I just wanted to see Penelope one last time. Why cant I go?!" I know its not his fault but, but its just all so confusing. I don't go well with reality.

He just looked at me for a long while, until I slumped to the ground. The vines from the door were soft as I sat on them. The flowers glowed all around. Ben stooped down to, face to face with me. I bent my head down, not wanting him to see my pointless boring tears. He pulled my chin back up lightly. Our faces were now only about 2 inches apart. His sweet warm breath blew on my face calming me.

"Night, listen, if you go find'll lose everything. You cant be there yet. I know its hard...but, but its reality, life." he said in a rational voice.

"I hate reality, its to confusing." I said in a small whimper.

"Well..." he looked down, his face showing that he was thinking about something." the door. The other path leads to this place. Its...its a place that has everything you wants. Its as beautiful as your mind makes it......If your there I cant even imagine the beauty."

I blushed a little, still taking in what hes told me. It sounded to good to be true. I was silent for a while, thinking over my options, when finally Ben spoke.

"Your beautiful, Night." he said in a smooth voice. I gorgeous dimpled smile plastered his face and mine. With his hand still on my chin, he pressed his soft pink lips to mine, something hed never one before. Fireworks went off inside me. Nothing had felt so right before. I loved the rush. I loved him.

And before our lips could separate I had decided to run from reality with Ben.

And with the conclusion of this perfect moment, we headed for the illuminated door.

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