Fish With a Side of Flys

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The dirty white van pulled down the dark alley way to a small restaurant hidden between two large buildings. Honey pulled the van to the side and parked it. All three got out, dusting the elves off from the messy van. Honey never did clean much.

Gathering outside, they entered into every pred's paradise, a place meant just for them. It was ran by old Loui, a tiger that was older than the city itself it seemed. So old he even remembered a time without the collars. Yet the old man was kind and served the best fish and insects any predator could ask for.

 Predators only. No prey could strut in here and claim they have a right for food. But what prey animal would come in here? Last Nick checked prey didn't find fish and bugs very appetizing. 
After they had gathered all their food and sat down at a wooden round table, Nick decided to make a conversation.
"So.. Do you guys ever wonder if we could find a way to get these collars off?" he asked, scratching his neck where the machine was strapped.
Honey and Finnick sighed. 

Just then, they're friend Benjamin Clawhauser, an obese cheetah, made his way into the building. He was breathing heavily and nearly collapsed on top of the table before taking a chair. The tame collar strapped around his fat neck glowed green. Clawhauser was never much of an angry animal. He tended to stay on the good side and only would get shocked when he was upset.  When the cheetah got shocked, it broke most of their hearts due to him being such a sweetheart.  Yet that was the way of the collar. It didn't care.  It had one job, and that was to keep predators controlled.

"Oh my gosh hey you guys I knew I'd find you here." The cheetah sat down and started taking food off of Finnick's plate, shoving the fish into his jaws.  The sand vixen growled.

Nick and Honey ignored them. This was usual.
"But seriously, have we ever actually thought about a way that maybe this.. you know, could all end? A way where we could take off these collars? Where Prey and Predator don't have to be divided?"

Honey shook her head. She played around with the fish on her plate.

"Nick, if prey wanted to be friends with us and get along, it would of happened a long time ago. They want us to be divided. They hate us. Nothing is going to change their minds."

"But that's just it Honey! How come they have to be the ones to change their minds? Because they're the only ones in the government! It's all prey! They control everything! If a predator got into that high position, maybe he or she could do something for us preds. But thanks to predators not being allowed in the high spots, we get thrown under a bus!" Nick's tame collar light went from green to yellow with a *beep*.

Nick stopped, then calmed down. His collar turned back to green.
"Nick, there's not much we can do. We're just predators. This world is not for us." finished Honey. "The government did have predators inside of it, but the prey wanted to be involved as well, a long time ago, you know." muttered  Honey.

"Yeah, and then before the predators knew it, the majority of the positions were prey, and all the prey turned their backs on the preds and kicked them out. A few years later, every sharp tooth in the world is wearing a shock collar around their necks." Nick grumbled. His ears lowered, his mind staying on the subject.

"No. The world can be for us. If we make it that way. The world can treat predators just as great as it treats prey."
"Nick.." Honey shook her head. "You're going to get yourself killed or arrested."

"It's hard to believe we were on top once.." Said the fox, poking at the fish with his fork.

"Things change.. The group that used to be on the bottom comes to the top, and the group on top goes to the bottom." Spoke the badger.

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