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"C'mon girl, we both know you want this, you just don't know it yet."

Greed and Pride, along with their virtues, had arrived back at their fancy mansion with the girls at their sides. However, just because they had the girls, didn't mean the girls liked having them. After being traumatically taken off the streets, Generosity and Humility wanted to just go home. They didn't care that they were special, they just wanted to be back at home with friends, at their jobs, worrying about things that normal people worry about. The world wasn't dying while they were there, so why was it now?

Pride had taken Humility to another room after Greed and he had talked about some ideas that they were planning to do with the girls. Now, Greed had Generosity in his closet and was getting dressed in black clothes.

"No, I don't want it, if that's what you're talking about." Generosity had her arms folded across her chest and was intensely staring at the floor, not wanting to look at Greed, or any part of Greed's body, no matter how muscular or fatty it was. Generosity had already attempted to break out of the closet using loud techniques of screaming and kicking, but after Greed locked the door and calmed her down, Generosity had decided there was no hope and accepted that she was stuck in here with her worst nightmare.

Generosity heard a few movements of Greed putting on a pair of pants. "No silly, I'm not Lust, that's ridiculous. As the master of wanting, I mean to tell you that you should actually learn to want things." Generosity released an audible groan. "There's a difference between wanting and stealing. You Greed, are a stealer, not Santa Claus."

"Whatever, opinions won't matter once I'm done converting you. Hand me those gloves, will you?" Generosity glanced over to her side and saw a black pair of gloves. "Why do you need a pair?" She said and threw them over to him. Then she added: "I'm surprised you didn't steal them." Greed slipped on the pair of gloves, and smirked, happy she refused to look at him. "I did steal them."

Generosity screeched. "So my fingerprints are on them?!"

"Chill, will you? I've never paid for anything in my life, and I'm not in jail. Security is never as tight as you think it is."

"That doesn't mean you just steal things! Do you have no morale? Just because I'm Generosity doesn't mean I'm the only one on this earth that-"

"Do I look good?"

Generosity choked, and stopped talking. "Excuse me?"

"Do I look good?" When Generosity would not look, Greed sighed. "I have clothes on, it's fine." Slowly, Generosity shifted her eyes upward to face Greed... if she could find him.

"Where'd you go? Do you have some invisible power that comes with the unattractive greediness?"

"YES!" Greed shouted with glee and ripped off a black mask he was wearing to reveal his face. She realized he was wearing all black - and then it all made sense.

"Are you going to rob something?!" Generosity covered her mouth and gasped, while Greed nodded.

"Yup. And you're gonna do it with me."

Generosity stared at Greed like he had lost his marbles. Granted, if Greed lost his marbles, he would just steal some new ones. "And what makes you think I'll just go along with this?"

Greed pushed back his hair and leaned against the wall like he was some thug in an alley. "I don't. But considering your options, I'm sure you'll agree and do whatever I say. It's not like I'd hurt you." Generosity rolled her eyes and sighed. Greed ignored her and continued.

"Option One; You can stay here while I go and have my fun at the jewelry store. But keep in mind, the door is locked, so you'll be stuck in here until I come back. If I care enough to come and get you sooner rather than later." Greed chuckled darkly.

"Option Two; You can come with me, and we can rob a bank together, and also get some food if you like. Also, keep in mind, I'm Greed, nobody has ever caught me stealing. Well, except you," he muttered under his breath. "You'd be safe with me, and have a much better chance of living then if you chose Option One. So what's it gonna be?" Greed raised his eyebrows expectantly. "We don't get all night, no sense robbing in broad daylight, in the sunshine." He scoffed and then got lost in his thoughts for a brief moment. "Option One, or Two?"

Generosity stared at him once again like he had lost his marbles - temporarily. "You're expecting me to make a choice? Both of these are absurd!" She frowned with dissent. "How about I make Option Three-"

"Nope, no can do you, magnanimous girl." He bent over and began to pull clothes out of a basket nearby. Generosity cleared her throat to say her argument, but Greed kept cutting her off like scissors through paper. "I need you for a plan - a plan that all seven of us have been planning since before you even knew what sins were. I'm not letting you go just because you don't like it! We all have to do things we don't like."

"Kidnapping is a felony."

"Since when do I follow the law? Because you can't make a decision, I'm making it for you. You're coming with me. And no arguing!"

Greed then gave Generosity a stare. Not a stare like someone would look at their crush would, not a stare a villain would stare at their weak superhero at their feet - no, this was the type of stare a hypnotist would give after someone gave their money to tell them their future.

And just like that, Generosity was on the side of the demons.

"Alright... I guess I'll pick Option Two."

Greed chuckled and wraps his arms around her shoulders, satisfied. "I'm glad you picked that dear." His voice slithered out like a shadow, low and impish. "I'll let you change, and then we'll go." He gestured over to the second set of black clothing - just for Generosity. "Okay?"

Generosity nodded, and Greed unlocked the door, now knowing Generosity was wrapped around his finger like a snake. Snakes were his favorite animal, they were sneaky just like him, and he loved it.

"Hey, Greed why are there orange powder stains on the gloves?" Generosity yelled through the door.

"Did I not remind you I steal everything? These are Gluttony's, the pig must have eaten some chips wearing the gloves." Greed mentally cursed himself for not washing the gloves. He felt a bit embarrassed that he wasn't as professional as he wanted to be around her.

There was a few minutes silence, and then Generosity stepped through the door in an outfit identical to Greed. "I'm ready Greed! Let's go!"

Greed smiled when he saw her - she was now his. He could feel the heat radiating off of the gem around his neck like never before. Usually, his gem glowed whenever he did something particularly greedy, but right now it was as if a volcano was erupting on his chest.

If it wasn't for the thick black shirt he wore, he probably would have taken it off so he didn't burn himself. But it was good - the power was coming to him now. Generosity was his. And he was the first one to do it, and he was proud. Not as proud as Pride, but as proud as Greed could be.

1 down, 6 to go.

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