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I've learned it all, how to say none at all.
I've seen it all, how to feel it all,
They are complexities in my musings;
A hitch in every stumbling
Of my tongue

It's the unceremonious intrusion of your heart
That halts any sort of sanity and order left in me.
It's the art-
Your impart in the beauty that is astonishingly consistent in the struggle of every breath

That makes me question just how to handle this disobliging situation.
I've told you to get out when all I really want is for you stay,
So please don't say,
Please don't play,
I'm already in a whirlwind of lawless, catastrophic thoughts;

I don't know what to say,
That I'm okay;
No, no, no.
I won't lie, I won't cry,
Because I'm crazy in love with you

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