Oh, F*ck My Life

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Oh my god guys!!! I went to go see "Logan" on Sunday March 5th and holy crap! It. Was. AWESOME!!

And I left school three days early to start my spring break early and I am currently in MEXICO!!! HUZZAH !

Anyways, without further ado, here's the next chapter. Sorry but it's gonna be kinda short.


"Holy crap! I never jumped out of a freaking plane before! That was awesome!"

A couple feet from where Lucy was exclaiming her excitement, the rest of the team were emptying the contents of their now hollow stomachs. Their noises echoed throughout the empty forest.

"Never again," Juvia rasped out while wiping some left over bile from her lips.

"Ditto," said Lisanna.

"I don't know guys. With this line of work, we might have to do this a lot," Gray said, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Yes. No matter if we throw up every time, we must do our job and if sky diving is part of it, then we do what we must," Erza, ever the voice of reason explained.

"Yes!" Lucy pointed towards Erza. "That's the spirit, red! Now, we gotta hide these parachutes."

She began kicking the bag into a couple of bushes nearby. It concealed poorly and Erza decided to help her out. She grabbed hers and Lucy's parachute and hid it in hollowed out tree.

"Alright everyone clear on what the mission is?" Juvia asked.

Everyone began walking towards the hospital when Gray spoke. "Go in there and free Senator Cray making sure he's alive and well."

Lucy stopped in her tracks. "What about the hostages."

Everyone stopped as well. Lisanna was the one to finally face Lucy. "They're not U.S citizens. The U.S asked for our help in retrieving Senator Cray only."

"Was that you talking or Natsu? Because if it was you I am seriously questioning your morals," Lucy said, beginning to get agitated.

"That's rich coming from you," Lisanna fired back, just as irritated.

"Enough!" Erza yelled. "I agree with Lucy but there's nothing we can do for the hostages. There just isn't a way to do it."

Lucy smirked, her past anger forgotten. "I think I have just the thing."


"I seriously don't think this was the best plan," Juvia whispered.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Lucy whispered back, back sliding against the wall of the hospital. "And besides, we already took out the guards out front. No point wasting perfectly good dead people."

"I still don't think this is safe," Juvia said.

"Quiet or they'll hear you!" Erza whisper yelled.

The team were next to the openings that led to where the hostages and Senator Cray were being held. Lucy came up with the ingenious plan to just barge right it and shoot up the place but being careful not to hit the innocent.

"Ready? One," Lucy started.

"Two," everyone took a deep breath.


As soon as the words left Lucy's mouth, they each entered through the enternece they were assigned. Lucy and Erza on the left one, Juvia, Gray and Lisanna on the right one.

They managed to take out all of the captors that were in the room, and with a sense of triumph Lucy turned to Senator Cray.

"Don't worry sir. We're here to get you out."

"No!" Senator Cray suddenly freed himself from his restraints and stood up, moving away from the row of hostages. With nothing but confusion in their eyes, the team backed away from Senator Cray with caution, wondering how in the world did he manage to free himself.

"No, no, no, no, no," he said as he ran his hands through his hair in desperation, pacing back and forth. "They weren't supposed to send anyone, that was the whole point!"

"What do you mean sir?" Juvia asked, fear creeping into her voice.

Suddenly, he stopped pacing and turned toward Lucy. He reached into the back of his untucked dress shirt and took out a revolver gun and aimed it towards Lucy's head.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. No one was supposed to get hurt and everyone was supposed to go home. Alive."

As if on cue, seven more of the captors came into the room.

"These aren't captors. They're mercenaries I hired," he shook his head and used the gun to scratch his head. "I was supposed to save the day, and save the lives of all these people. Oh, how the polls would've skyrocketed in my favor."

"So what? All of this was just so you could run for president?!" Gray asked, outraged.

"Exactly. Now your getting it," he waved the gun in Gray's direction in mock admiration. "But not just for that. My legacy and reputation would exceed me! Could you imagine?"

He smiled bitterly and pointed the gun towards Lucy's head. "But you idiots had to come and ruin it. So not only are you going to die, but so are these hostages. Can have them living and telling the story, can we?"

He took a step closer to Lucy, gun still trained on her head, and took off the guns safety with a resounding click.

"Oh, f*ck my life," Lucy said with frustration.

Then the bullets started flying.

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