Winter Brings Sadness...

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1 week later...

Luna woke up like a usual day and stretched before carefully getting up, not waking her pups, and walking outside. When she got outside she realised it had snowed again! When everyone was awake they all went outside and played in the snow then the hunters went on a hunt. Luna decided to take a stroll in this beautiful winter wonderland, she walked past the lake and went over the mountain that her den was located under before finding something disturbing in the snow.
When she got over the mountain she could see something lay on the ground at the bottom. She rushed over to see what it was and when she arrived she found it was a small black pup. It must have only been about a month or two old because it was so small, Luna nudged it's almost lifeless body  and it flinched when she touched its leg. Luna carefully picked the mystery pup up by the scruff and ran as fast as she could back to the den. When she arrived back she couldn't find Sol. She placed the pup down and sprinted to the pond where Sol liked to study animals, sure enough he was there. She asked him to hurry and Sol could see the worry in her face so immediately followed with no questions. When he arrived at the pup he immediately got to work and told Luna to go so he could concentrate. Luna came back about 20 minutes later and Sol was lay with the pup curled up asleep in his lap. Luna asked if he would be ok and Sol gazed down at him and said he might not make it through the night but there's hope. Luna sadly replied saying that she would stay up and watch the pup. Sol said that would be a good idea then asked where she found him. Luna told him the story then carefully carried the pup to her nest to be with her other pups.

 Luna told him the story then carefully carried the pup to her nest to be with her other pups

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