~1~ Do i wanna know

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"Haven Leighanna Harris wake your ass up before I come up there with some water"My momma yells from down stairs. "Okay Ma damn I'm up woman"I yell back.Don't get me wrong I love her but she's annoying this early in the morning. Shaking my head I get up and go into my bathroom. Taking a quick shower  I wash my hair and all that and get out putting a blue fluffy towel around me and walking into my room. I go to my overfilled closet and look through the dresser that's in there for a matching set of undergarments, finally finding a matching red set I throw the one and wrap my waist length hair into the towel. "What the fu*k am I gone wear today?"I ask myself out loud. Peeking through my ripped jeans I find a camp pair and wiggle them on. Pulling out a black V neck shirt and my black J's I think the outfits good enough. Slipping my shirt on and finding socks so I can put on my shoes my momma walks in snappy as ever "Who you dressing up for Haven?"She asks laughing. "My damn self momma."I say laughing. She walks over and kisses me in the head shaking her head "You still a Lil hood rat huh"She asks sitting next to me.Before we moved here we lived in Chicago in the east side. Not the safest place but it was my home, We were about the only white people you seen over there actually but we fit in. I miss my girls honestly but momma said we needed a change after her man left her again. So we moved here to California and that's been it. "Ma I was neva a hood rat I just handled my owns."I said laughing. She smiled and gets up, hurry your hood rat ass up and get down stairs ya sisters wanna see you before you leave"She says referring to my three sisters. The twins and then the baby. I pull on my shoes and grab a black Jordan's jacket and my Black Victoria secret backpack and head downstairs phone in hand long with my keys. Once I'm downstairs the twins run to me and grab my legs. "We lost teeth"They say together. Ginny and Georgie were six now and both blonde with blue eyes. Ginny was a tom boys at heart and loved everything she wore to be Nike and her color was red. Georgie on the other hand wore all Adidas and always wore pink. I smile at them both and kiss their heads. I was over to Dalilah and kiss her cheeks as she giggles. She was my baby out of the three and loved me the most, she was mixed unlike the twins and had mid-tone skin and brown hair with gray eyes."Hi my beautiful baby"I say kissing her cheeks again. She giggles and goes back to eating her cereal making a mess. I sit at the table and not to much longer I hear my momma yelling at my older brother Xavier to get his black ass downstairs. I goggle to myself when I hear a splash and a screech. Momma comes down seconds later snickering to herself holding a bucket. "I warmed his black ass didn't I "Momma says laughing .My mom was a short woman in her late Thirty's with short brown hair and green eyes. X comes downstairs grunting and cussing about females in our house and needing privacy and momma smacks his cheeks lightly. He walks over and kisses my hair and does the same to all the girls around the table. "Ma what have I said about water ?"He asks our momma rolling his eyes, she looks at him dumbfounded and laughed"Who the fu*k you think you talking to boy because I know it ain't me"She says turning to him. He shakes his head no and looks down. "Okay momma I love you but I got to go."I say walking toward the front door . Everyone tells goodbyes and I walk over to My baby .A 2016 jeep wrangler sitting on 22's. I jump in and start my truc put it in gear and pull out of the driveway with two honks of my horn. The drive to school didn't take long and I was there within ten minuets. Parking fairly far from the building so no one hit my baby I. Turn the truck off and hop out making sure to grab everything and lock it up. Turning around I see a lot of people staring at me so I roll my eyes. Throwing my bag over my shoulder some thick black girl comes over to me "You sure you in the right side of town Lil mama?"She asks looking me up and down. "Yea I'm sure I just moved into the house on east 17"I say walking away. I hear some cat calling but I ignore it and continue into school. Going to the office I see the office lady on the phone talking loudly.She pauses and looks at me as to ask for my name "Haven Harris"I say looking at her. she hands me a price of paper and a sticky note and goes back to talking about last nights football game. My schedule is pretty simple I have three classes everyday and then I can go home or whatever. My locker is on the south end of the school so I start walking over.

So this is the first chapter and I hope u like it .Its kinda shitty rn but it'll get better I promise

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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