Judy's Family

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The two animals strode off the bus that was parked out next to the stop. They had gotten off the train about ten minutes ago, and took the bus to the exact location. Judy's home. Nick took in the sight. Since it was about mid morning, there were only a few bunnies here and there. The sun was glistening over the horizon, and the city skyline could be seen in the hazy distance.

They were farming, or some children played out in the yards, and some were just enjoying the sunrise. No one seemed to notice the soaked bunny and fox standing at the front of the residence. More burrows surrounded the area, but the main burrow, the largest one, stood in front of them. It was like a large hill, with holes all over in it.

"This is what bunnies enjoy living in? It's just a dirt mound with a bunch of holes in it.." muttered Nick. A breeze came, rustling their fur. It seemed like there was going to be a storm blowing in later on in the day, and dark clouds loomed in the distance.

"Mother always told me when I was young, it's what we used to hide from dangerous predators. We had to find some way to survive from them, since they attacked us all the time. What better way than to hide in a hole?" asked Judy jokingly.

Nick looked to the small fields out near the building. Rabbits were throwing carrots into barrels and baskets, loading them onto trucks for selling, and planting them.

"Heh, typical." giggled Nick. Judy smiled.

"Well, someone's a little racist, aren't they?" she asked. Nick stopped and shook his head.

"Aw, come on Carrots, you know I was just playing around. It's funny cause it's true."

"Maybe that's one of the reasons we decided to put that collar on you. To keep you from making rude comments."

"It ain't gonna shock me because you got offended." laughed Nick. The two giggled a little bit, then continued towards the burrows.

A moment later, a bunny nearby spotted Judy and Nick and got a smile on his face. He had darker fur, and spots on his face. He hopped up from planting a carrot and pointed.

"Everyone! Judy is home!!" he shouted loudly so everyone around could hear.

Suddenly, nearly 50 rabbits were surrounding them, all cheering and looking at Judy. But then they soon realized she was standing next to a fox. Who had blood on his paws.

"What's that chomper doing here?" asked a small bunny. "They used to eat us! He's dangerous!"

Judy stomped her foot down angrily. Nick looked away from them, feeling embarrassed. He wanted to leave, but the injury on his side began hurting even worse.

"Carlos! I've told you never to use that word!" shouted a voice. A large bunny wearing an apron pushed her way into the crowd and grabbed the smaller one's arm.

"How would you like it if he called you a muncher? Would you like that? I've been called a muncher plenty of times, and I hated it. But this gives us no right to call him a chomper. Now you apologize to him this instant!!" she shouted angrily. Everyone watched, including Nick and Judy. The little bunny grew embarrassed, then slowly walked to Nick. Nick stared at him, not knowing what to do. He didn't mean to cause a scene just by showing up. He was actually just wishing he could just get this wound patched up. 

 And yet they couldn't even make it into the house without there being issues.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." said the rabbit, before he sprinted back and stood next to his mother.

Nick didn't respond.

A moment of silence passed, before two new bunnies pushed there way through the crowd. By the way Judy perked up, Nick could tell they were important.

"Mom! Dad!" Judy walked and gave the two bunnies a large hug.

"Judy! What are you doing here? Is everything okay? How's life on the force? How are those mean old predators treating you?" They asked her a bunch of questions, all of which she waved her hand and didn't answer.

"Honestly, the worst thing I deal with in the force isn't the predators. It's actually another prey animal. The Chief."

"Aw honey.." whispered her mother sadly. Judy ignored it and continued.

"That's not why I am here though. As you can see I've brought a..."

"Ah!" Nick screamed. Judy turned to see her father holding a spray bottle at the fox. It was fox repellent. Nick covered his eyes, trying to avoid getting the substance in them.

Judy gasped. "DAD!!!" Judy sprinted over and slapped the spray from his hand.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!?" She asked angrily, giving her father an angry glare. Her mother walked over and looked at him, stomping her foot on the ground.

"I just....fox..." stuttered Stew.

"This FOX, is on an important case with me. I told him I would help him figure out why he went savage, and about a mysterious wolf!"

"HE WENT SAVAGE? Judy he could hurt us! I told you you were to never bring home no predator!"


Nick was so worried. He had no idea what to do in this situation. He just stood there, trying to ignore all the stares he was being given from the surrounding audience. He could tell they were judging him. He was a fox. Their worst enemy. Nothing could change that...He thought, sighing. His ears perked up when her father spoke again.

"He saved you?" asked Stew.

"Yes, he did. And if you have any issues with him, keep it to yourself. Mom, please help me. Nick is hurt. He needs bandages."

"Nick?" asked Stew.

Judy sighed. "The FOX."

Judy angrily stomped past her father and the rest of the bunnies as her and her mother walked next to Nick on their way inside. Once they got in, her mother led them to the bathroom where they were able to put cleaner on Nick's wound, then patch them up.

Bonnie, Judy's mother, sighed as she wrapped around the last bandage.

"I apologize for Stew's and everyone elses behavior, Nick. Stew just has never trusted predators. They used to push him around in school, and the whole.. you know.. stone age thing.. He just has issues. It's better if you just ignore him."

Nick laughed a bit.

"Ah.. I know how oldies can be. My grandpa heh.. He'd make jokes about preys all the time. People hated him for it though...Old racist Thomas they used to call him." Nick finished.

Once they finished, Judy motioned for her mother to leave them alone. With a nod, Bonnie left the room. Judy and Nick walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

"So, what now?" asked Nick. Judy thought for a moment, then motioned her paw.

" Come here, I have something that might help us figure out what is going on in my old room."

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