Ayano's Friends...?

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>I'm back to writing! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, ATL came out with another song! Not sponse, I swear, I just love ATL, so here's the song in the video area, wherever that is on your device. But here's the new chapter! (No hard feeling that I put out he April fools special out before this one >~<)<

School started up again for Ayano and Budo. Because of that, it seems like the two are a bit more distant. Budo's club members are demanding more club time from Budo to make up for the past week, and Ayano seemed just as lonely as ever, after all, everyone still thinks she's Kokona Haruka's murderer. Which they aren't wrong... She just wished they could stop. So begins Budo's cluster of worriedness towards his love, Ayano. And so begins Ayano's confusion on how she should handle everything, granted she has more feelings than she did before, so she had almost no idea on how to handle everything.
During lunch break, Budo decided to meet up with Ayano. The two met up at the small flower garden (the one in the update where you help Riku get Kokona) to talk.

"I'm sorry I haven't been spending much time with you, the club's been very demanding lately, because the tournament is coming up," Budo sighed as he rubbed the back of his head apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, I understand perfectly, so I got you this," Ayano held out a small box to Budo.

"What's this?" Budo asks curiously as he took the box.

"A good-luck charm," Ayano says.

"Really?!" Budo looked excited as he opened the box. Inside was a traditional Japanese charm.

"An Omamori!" Budo looked surprised.

"It means 'success'" Ayano smiled. The charm was black with gold embroidery as well as red. Red was the flowers that dotted the charm and gold was the Japanese writing that translated into 'success'.

"With this, I don't think I'll ever loose," Budo smiled.

"You think so?" Ayano looked at Budo with a soft expression. He nodded happily.
>just in case you didn't know who they are<

--->just in case you didn't know who they are<

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A Yandere's Change Budo X Ayano (YandereSimulator fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora