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[third person pov]

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[third person pov]

The dark clouds that were rolling in quickly scared Scarlett. It had been awhile since they had a storm, and it looked awful. But the thunder, it was throwing her off. Her and Murphy were crouched in the woods, hiding from the few grounders that had tracked them down.

"Where are they?" Murphy whispered in her ear quietly, and she could feel his lips brush against her ear, sending shivers up her spine.

She quickly recovered, turning to whisper in his ear. "I don't know,"

It wasn't noticeable, but her whispering in his ear made him shiver just as much as it did to her. He could feel her lips slightly brush against his ear as well, and he suddenly wondered what it would be like if he could feel those lips against his own.

But, he shook the thought away, ignoring it and focusing at the task at hand.

Scarlett saw everything in slow motion, the arrows flying through the air from the trees, landing into her thigh, her left shoulder, and another just nicking the side of her head.

She heard Murphy's cry out in pain, as she whipped her head so fast towards him, seeing the arrows that had hit him also.

Scarlett quickly grabbed her bow, whipping her arrows from the quiver and aiming, launching one and hitting one of the grounders in the chest, him falling from the tree, before she killed the other three in a second.

Murphy groaned in pain as Scarlett hurriedly pulled him up, throwing his arm around her shoulder and limped through the woods with him, towards her cave. She was used to the pain, but Murphy wasn't as much as she was.

She thought she saw everything in slow motion, but that day was going by so fast, she had no idea how to comprehend what was all happening.

But, she sucked it up, and rushed into her cave and sat Murphy down on the floor, leaning him against the cold wall.

Scarlett hissed as she quickly pulled out her arrows, wrapping them only so she could help Murphy.

She rushed to Murphy's side as soon as she was done, noticing he looked so tired. She found herself tapping his cheek, waking him up. "C'mon John, stay with me."

He looked up at her, his eyes finding themselves hard to keep open. His eyebrows furrowed as his hand reached up, looking at the blood dripping from the cut on the side of her head. "Y-You're bleeding,"

She shook her head, a ghost of a smile showing on her features. "You're the first priority, J."

As she gripped the arrow in his right shoulder, she suddenly became scared. She hasn't felt that in awhile, but as her heart beat so fast in her chest that she could hear it in her ears, she realized that she was scared.

Murphy jolted and groaned in pain as she ripped the first arrow from his shoulder, before she pulled the other in his left side.

She pulled his shirt off, ready to clean the blood until she found herself breathless at his chest. He was built, but not too built. That's what she loved on guys, before she realized what she was thinking and shook it off, pressing the wet cloth to the side wound.

It took her awhile, but she got the wounds all sewn up and her heart finally started to slow down and she smiled, before she grabbed the wet cloth, ready to clean the dirt and blood from his torso.

"Scarlett?" He whispered, his head leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed. "Even though I feel awful, you look beautiful right now."

Scarlett found her smile fading and her heart beating fast again.

She stuttered trying to find words but she found nothing, so she helped Murphy up, before laying him down on her bed.

A loud rumble of thunder made her jump, as she turned her head towards the small opening of her cave, the rain coming through, the branches and large leaves that covered the opening wasn't blocking any raindrops.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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