Chapter 18

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MOTHER OF CHEESECAKE I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS T.T I have been really busy and haven't been able to think of any ideas >.< I'm back now tho, thanks for 250 reads :) Also I changed chapters 13 and 17 so they make more sense, hooray! Season 3 was awesome tho 0w0 Anyways, here it is; enjoy!



Sherlock's POV

Apparently the man from yesterday did not take anything, but left something.

That something is what I hope to see today. "John, we're going," I say, putting on my coat. "We?" he calls down.

"Yes, we. Now hurry up," I respond. "I mean I never agreed to go!" "You know you want to. Now hurry up!"

I hear him shuffling around. Finally he hops down the stairs. I turn around, opening the door. "Let's go," I say. He follows me out the door.

I wave at a cab. Perfect timing, I guess. I climb in and tell the driver where to go. John enters, giving me "the look". Probably because a few minutes ago was the first time I had talked to him in 13 hours. I tighten my scarf, trying to ignore him.

I feel his glare burning into me. What can I do so I don't make eye contact?

"Forty-two, single, just had coffee, small café, was in a hurry to get up this morning..." "Sherlock, are you serious?" the irritated John says as the driver stares at me.

"Oh I see, you must be the Sherlock Holmes bloke that's been in the papers all the time lately. The 'hat detective'." I twitch. "Do NOT call me that."

He chuckles. "You really are just how they describe you, Mr. Holmes." I stare up at him, sitting back into the seat. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I ask, even though I know all too well.

He just laughs lightly again. He's really started to get on my nerves. I turn my head to look out of the window.

Finally, we arrive. Sally is there, waiting. I open the door and place my feet onto the ground. I walk up to her, waiting for John.

"You know, I hate to say it, freak...but it's good to have you back," Sally says, crossing her arms. I nod. "I have noticed everyone else agrees. John, hurry up we've been waiting for this for hours!"

He jogs up to me. "Is it even possible for you to be patient?" I don't say anything. "I'll take that as a no," a smile creeps up onto his face.

I look to Sally again. "So?..." "They found a body in there," she tells me. I raise one eyebrow. "Molly said there wasn't anyone else in the house."

"Well, there's a body." I climb underneath the yellow tape, then run up to the building.

This should be interesting.



HOW WAS ITTTTT? Lol but seriously. Tell meh in zee comments. Sorry it was so short. And again IM SO SORREEEHH for how long it took. There is no way I'm letting that happen again omg 0.0 Anyways, hope it was good, and I'll update this in less than four months this time >.< (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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