Chapter 8: Defiance

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Eric's command was simple. Be at dinner by 7:00 tonight with our new clothes, so I decided I was going to keep my red v-neck on but change into black fitted pants, then I'd get there at around 7:30. I talked over my defiance plan with Sasha and she just started to laugh her guts out and said she'd go to my funeral.

"Alright Mercer you may want to die, but I have to make it to the age of 21 so I can legally drink," she laughs as we sit in the bunkers alone while everyone has gone.
"You know there's no drinking age here right?" I raise an eyebrow at her as I rest my back against the wall and her whole face lights up.
"NO WAY!" she shouts excitedly.
"I should never have told you that," I mumble and she shoves my shoulder.
"I'd find out sooner or later."
"Yeah and I'm starting to hope it was later," I retort.

"Ok it's 7:15 and I'm hungry can we please go down to the cafateria? I mean we should get lost down here for about 15 minutes it's like a feaking termite hole down here!"
"That's cause a bunch of termites live here," I mumble once again, "Plus we need to be late enough that they know we couldn't of just gotten lost or accidently forgot the time, they need to know we were late by choice," Sasha groans at me while plopping down on her bed.
"Why are you so stubborn!?" she shouts at the ceiling.

Shrugging I sit back and relax into the wall and soon a silence falls between us and I'm lost in thought of my family and my life. A loud bang smacks me right out of my thoughts and my eyes meet a fuming Eric who just threw open the door.
"Why the hell aren't you at dinner? The transfers were just introduced and you two failed to be there!" his voice booms before his eyes fall on my shirt and if I thought he was mad when he came in here he was absolutly pissed now.

"Sasha," he growls lowly and I'm surprised he already knows her by her dauntless name, "Get out." No matter how tough I always thought she was she ran out of the doors like a dog with it's tail between her legs at the sound of his voice. The second the door closed I could feel my heart race in my chest as his eyes burned brightly and fits clenched at his sides.

"Why weren't you at dinner, and why are you wearing your Amity clothes?" his voice low and on edge.
"I wasn't hungry and this is more comftorable than the other clothes," my voice finds itself saying before I can process my fear. In one moment Eric charges towards me and stares me down while I cower on the bed.

"Because your lack of obediance you are now on lock down, you are not allowed to eat dinner or leave this room until tomorrow," his voice is full of authority and my jaw goes agape at the threat.
"What? Why not?" I jump up and try to stand taller only to come face to face with his broad chest and I stumble back a bit just to make eye contact.
"I'm not a dog you know! I won't go around following your orders!" I shout up at him.

A small smile laces it's way onto his face and he lets out a short but dry laugh, "Oh yeah? We'll see about that." He turns his back and is about to leave the room when I shout, "I'd like to see you try to keep me in here!"

I didn't even see him move but in a blink of an eye he was once again right in front of me but even closer than before, "If I have to I will tie your damn arms and legs to this damn bed," the threat seemed to work because for once in this whole conversation I was completely and utterly left stunned to silence.

With a triumphant look on his face he stalks out of the room but stops at the door, "If you really think I won't break you, then you're wrong princess," and with that he was gone.


The aching in my stomach was incredibly relevant as I woke up on the hard cot. I groan and sit up to realize about half of us are already awake, Sasha being one of them. I let out a strangled groan before plopping back on the bed, "I'm hungry," I groan and then feel two hands grip my ankles and drag me off of the cot.

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