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Homeworld it is then!

Yellow Diamond goes to speak to White Diamond, she begins speaking as she enters, not yet seeing the shards.

"White," she explains, "we need to talk. I know it's hard, but it's been thousands of years. You need to come out."

Yellow Diamond enters the room fully, and sees the shards.

"White!" She exclaims, holding the shards in her hands, "no."

Yellow Diamond falls to her knees crying.

"Four," a voice says, as someone shatters Yellow Pearl.

"Four Diamonds," the voice continues as the room goes dark, "it takes the power of four diamonds, to surpass a writer. Two. That is how many shards I have. Pink's and White's are within my grasp. You have a choice Yellow. My name is Uncannoned, and I have some experience with noncanon timelines. Why? Well, why don't you read and find out? (Link to Noncanon). Anyways, I can undo all the damage Edgar has done. I will take his soul and guide this world to peace. I offer you a chance to fix Pink and White Diamond. With his soul, I could. Reaper, would destroy his soul, damning this world to destruction. What do you say Yellow?"

"You enter my court," she growls, "come to me with my sister's shards, and try to bargain? You arrogant wretch! I'll shatter you!"

"Oh," the voice chuckles, "That's right. My soul is exposed, where my gem is. Look closely Yellow."

A hand reaches out from the darkness. On it is a black gem, made from three shards.

"I'm just glad it transferred properly," the voice continues, "if Edgar's characters worked by Rebbeca's rules, I'd be a monster. However, converting them to gems only changed a few things.

1: We can summon our weapons.
2: Our souls, aka, our gems, are open to attack.
3: We regenerate like gems do.

Now, I, Uncannoned, accept your challange. But we play by Mortis's rules..."

The song Peppered Steak begins to play. Who will you assist?

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