First Sight.

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Hi guys this is my first attempt at writing so give me a chance please and don't forget to comment if you wish.

Please remember this is a work of fiction so somethings will not be accurate and any translations/pictures etc are found through google or various websites.

Thanks and enjoy.

chapter 1

Caina's POV

" help! .... Costin please help me!" I internally screamed, preying as I held my breath sitting as still as I could waiting for the hunters to pass and continue on through the woods seeking out anther poor soul to torment and kill. I remember the story's my parents used to tell me and Costin when we were young, before they were so ruthlessly taken away from us.

* Flashback *
I awoke to the sound of screaming  and shouting. Before I could even blink my bed covers were thrown back  and I was being dragged out and across the hard wooden floor I didn't have time to even let a scream of pain before I was pushed down the front steps of the log hut and landed on my hands and knees in the wet mud. Dazed I slowly started to push myself up fighting the cold as the rain seeped through my thin nightgown, the thick mud clinging to whatever part of me it could touch. That's when I heard a haunting scream crying out my name. I looked up pushing my mud plastered hair out of my face to see what was going on and a that's when I realised my worst nightmare was coming true.

The people of the village were being rounded up, thrown into cages on the backs of carts and taken away, hunters were running around and tackling  people to the ground and dragging them away whilst others were setting homes and belongings on fire, being as no one seemed to be paying attention to me yet I turned my head slowly and out of the corner of my eye I could see my father pushing Costin up a tree to safety off in the distance. Over the sounds of mothers wailing and children crying I could hear my mother calling my name, I quickly scrambled to my feet and tried to locate her, surveying the chaos i caught a glimpse of her unmistakable auburn hair slipping out of a hunters grasp and sprinting towards me, upon seeing her tear stricken face my feet started moving on their own and within seconds I had run into her arms.

The moment was short lived before she started pulling me towards my father dodging past the hunters that were still rounding up the innocent who attempted to fight back or escape. Once we finally reached my father he grabbed me and started pushing me up the tree with Costin "Quickly climb up there and follow your brother." He ordered. The power behind his words left no room for argument, with a quick head nod I started to scramble up the tree.

Reaching the top safely, hidden under the thick canopy of leaves I perched next to Costin and looked down just as our parents started to climb.

Thats when my world ended it all happened so fast.
Costin couldn't even signal a warning before an arrow lodged itself into the back of my father's head soon followed by another finding it's way into mother's back. I watched in dismay as they fell backwards landing at the foot of the tree with sickening thuds.           

A deathly silence followed, the word stood still.
Broken out of my trance by a involuntary heavy sob, so forceful I began to loose my grip on the branch I had been clinging onto. Watching the horror underneath me as the hunters started to approach.

They hadn't seen Costin and I so now was the perfect time for vengeance, the element of surprise on my side. Inhaling whilst I adjusted my position ready to jump down onto the enemy, I felt a gentle hand grab my face and turn my head. Through the tears my eyes met Costin's "Caina stop look at me, now's not the time they wouldn't have wanted it, they knew the risks and would rather us be safe please we need to move they are coming please Caina can you do that for me?" I looked into his eyes and saw him holding back his tears I took a deep breath to clear my mind. Attacking them now would be a death wish without a weapon anyway. silently I nodded not wanting Costin to be alone in this cruel, unrelenting world. Moving into a standing position I followed as he jumped to the next tree and then the next only looking back to ensure I followed him deeper into the darkness of the woods.
* End of flashback *

Costin and I were both fourteen when that dreadful night took place and now four years on we had yet to come across another living person. However that had now changed, sneaking a curious glance down into the clearing below, through the branches in which I hid. Thats when I caught a glimpse of a face so captivating  It took my breath away, even though his eyes were shielded by dark glasses I knew his eyes would be just as mesmerising as his face.


hey guys sorry for any mistakes auto correct is evil and my punctuation and spelling is pretty awful.


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