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Ella jerked her two lightsabers into an 'X' shape. A split second after she set the form, she felt a beam of light shoot from the floating training remote. It hit the exact spot where her lightsabers intersected as she'd anticipated.

Ella then extinguished her weapons, feeling that the round was over. Each level had 10 more shots than the last and got increasingly more difficult, she had made it to the last one in three days. The only other person to achieve that was the Chosen One himself.

Yesterday she'd learned all about the Chosen One from Yoda during their private lessons. And the famous name belonged to nonetheless than Anakin Skywalker.

She began to pull off the helmet that covered her vision since she'd been counting how many beams the remote shot out and the round was over. Her eyes blurred from adjusting to the bright sunlight.

Suddenly, Ella dropped the helmet and grabbed her lightsaber. As soon as the weapon ignited, it deflected a delayed beam from the remote. The saber was inches from Ella's face; she could feel the heat radiating off of it. Her veins pumped with sudden adrenaline and her heart pounded loudly in her ears. For a moment, she stood completely still, taking time to contemplate what she had just done.

Ella then looked at Yoda, leaving her trance and frozen posture. "That was a rush," she breathed, extinguishing her lightsabers once again.

"Ready, you are," Yoda said wisely. He leaned on his walking stick, simply staring at Ella, observing her every move and reaction.

Her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised in confusion. She was taken aback by the Jedi Master's words. "Ready?" Ella asked nervously, "ready for what?"

"Someone's Padawan you are to be, very soon," Yoda said calmly. This did not faze him as it did Ella.

Ella gasped. She couldn't believe this!

"Troubled, you are?"

"Well- well you see," she squeaked, "I've only been here a week, Master Yoda! How do you know I'm ready?"

"Proven it, you have," he replied.

"But I've never dueled anyone but you!" Ella shrilled, waving her hands in the air.

"Experience, you need. Experience you will get being a Padawan." A collective silence fell over the room.

Then, the metal door slid up, revealing Master Windu. He stood straight and tall in the doorway, giving off a feeling that Ella sensed was frustration and uneasiness.

He let out a long sigh, letting his shoulders droop. "I'm very sorry to interrupt," he said, quietly. Ella could tell he wasn't very happy about having to do this. "Master Yoda, your assistance is needed."

Ella looked at Yoda to see if he would have the same attitude as Windu, but he calmly nodded and blinked once. He hobbled passed Ella, making her wonder how the hell he was so good at combat when he could barely walk.

"You are excused, Ella," Master Windu said upon noticing Ella was still standing the inside the room as they were about to leave.

She was staring off into space, but came back into reality. It took her a moment to refocus. "- Right," she said shortly before jogging off past the two Masters to where she felt her friends.

Ella could always feel Ahsoka's liveliness and Barriss's serenity through the Force. She made it her mechanism of finding them.

She ran through the high ceilinged corridors, dodging passed several people and the tall marble pillars on her way. The sunlight seeped through the arced windows and casted shadows across the halls.

Finally, she found the door to Ahsoka's room where both of her friends were. "You guys, guess what!" Ella exclaimed as she practically slid into the room. "I'm going to be a padawan!" She squealed with joy. There was too much excitement built up inside of her to even give time for Ahsoka and Barriss to process the information she'd said let alone guess anything.

"That's amazing!" Barriss said with a bright smile.

"And fast! Who are you, the Chosen One?" Ahsoka laughed with a smile. "Anakin better watch his back!"

"I wonder who your master will be!" Barriss said excitedly.

"I heard Obi Wan put in a request before he left for Christophsis," Ahsoka informed them.

"Didn't Obi Wan meet you on Hoth?" Barriss asked Ella.

She nodded, but her mind was deep in thought. As she began to accept the fact that she was a padawan, she began to doubt it even more. Was she truly ready? Of course she'd passed the training, and learned all the history necessary. But there was one thing that lagged Ella behind.

She'd never been outside the temple- she'd been on two planets total all she could remember. What was the galaxy like?

And would it be just as welcoming as the Jedi Temple?

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