Chapter 16: Set Things Right

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I ran up to her side as the doctors and nurses wheeled her out of the operation room. Her appearance made my heart break into pieces. The doctors had bandaged her right arm. I assumed that her right leg was bandaged too. She had a cast around her chest.

Her head was bandaged up but, her hair was still intact and wet. She had a oxygen mask on. Her face had some bruises and scratches. I reached over to her face and caressed her cheek. Her skin felt a bit cold. Valeria. She was breathing steadily.

"We are moving her to recovery right now. Excuse us," a nurse informed me. "When can I see her?" I asked her. "We'll get you once she is situated into her room," she told me and walked away with the doctors.

I watched Valeria disappear at a corner. "See. She made it," Matthew told me. Barely. My hands closed in a fist. "Mr. Minetti." I turned my head to see Dr. Seeley and two other doctors. "This is Dr. Bach and Dr. Fletcher," he introduced them to me.

I shook each their hands. Matthew and Angela shook their hands too. "Adrian Minetti. My brother Matthew and sister in law Angela," I introduced us to them. "It's nice to meet you all," Mr. Bach said to us.

"How is she?" Angela beat me to it. "She is doing very well. She is stable but, in critical condition. She has sustained a certain amount of spinal injury," Dr. Fletcher told us. "What does that mean exactly?" I asked him.

"She may not be able to walk. We will only know when she wakes up. If she shows leg movements, she can go into rehabilitation. She is expected to go into rehab once she has recovered," Dr. Fletcher told us. Great...another thing to worry about.

"What about her concussion?" Matthew asked them. "From looking at her brain, there was some signs of trauma to the head. She is most likely will have memory loss when she wakes up. Hopefully, her memory loss is not too severe," Dr. Bach told us.

"How bad can her memory loss be?" I asked him. "From looking at her brain from the MRI scan, I have to say that it could be from Lacunar to Retrograde amnesia," he told me. Lacunar? Retrograde? What the hell is that?

Dr. Fletcher sensed my confusion. "If you like, you three can come to my office and I can tell you the details of her head injury," he told me. "I would like that," I told him. "Follow me," he said and excused himself from the other doctors.

We followed him to the elevator and into his office at the psychiatric/neurology department. "Have a seat," he said to us. We sat in front of his desk. Looking around the room, he was one of the best doctors in the field.

He had his Doctorates in neurology and psychiatric. Also, he degrees in biology and life sciences. He had gotten many awards and his work was known in several magazines and medical journals across the world.

Dr. Bach took his seat and started to type something on his computer. "Let me pull out her MRI scan," he told us. After a few long minutes, he shifted the computer screen towards us. It showed Valeria's brain.

"You can see here that it has swollen a bit," he pointed out to us. "She didn't have anything broken on the skull right?" Matthew asked him. "Luckily no but, she does have a large bruise on her head. She also has some signs of head trauma due to her head being slammed against the steering wheel and the door window," he told us.

When did she get a car? I knew that I needed to look into everything. "You said something about different types of amnesia. Can you tell us in detail of each one of them?" Angela asked Dr. Bach kindly.

"Certainly. The first type is the lacunar amnesia. Basically, a person lose a memory about one specific event. The second type is source amnesia which is the inability to remember where, when, or how previous information has been acquired even though the person was able to retain factual knowledge. I am going to tell you right now that I hope it's one of these two," he told us.

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