Messy night

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The first thing bendy did when he ran into your house was junp onto the comfy couch. "It has been awhile since i have seen a couch!" Ink got all over the couch. "Bendy, get off the couch for right now, i need to place a sheet over it so you can sleep here." You sighed and looked for a bed cover. Bendy walked around and found your room, he decided to jump on it. You walked to the living room and put the cover on the couch. "Oh great, where the hell did he go now?" You walked into your room to see bendy jumping on your bed. "Bendy, get off my bed please." You sighed. "Party pooper." He said as he got off your bed. "So, what exactly do you have to do here?" Bendy said. "Well, i have a TV and a few movies." You grabbed one of your favorite movies and walked out, bendy following close behind. You put in the movie, and turned on the TV. Bendy sat down and you sat beside him and you started the movie. "Thank you for letting me stay here." Bendy said. "No problem." You smiled as you both watched the movie. After the movie, bendy was asleep on your shoulder. You layed him down and put a black blanket on him. You went to your room, put your blanket on you, and you fell asleep. An hour into your sleep, bendy woke you up. "Hey, wake up please." Bendy poked you. "Hnngh, what?" You opened your eyes a little. "Can I sleep with you tonight? Im to lonely..." Bendy did wide eyes. "Ugh, fine." You moved and tuned away from bendy. Bendy snuggled up to you, and he feel asleep, and so did you.

Bendy x The readerWhere stories live. Discover now