Digging out 2 slander

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In seek of  attention and a bit of fame
You’ve lured  someone into you’re  nasty games

Have you lost your mind and where’s your shame
Those sins you expose and   portrayed

In ways to degrade
Someone dignity that won’t easily fade

After all is splashed out and worldwide played
social media nowadays
Has become breeding grounds
Of nasty and trashy ways

To reveal others sins
what is the purpose of these revelations
Fix your own relation
With the creator of the human nation.

Don’t forget
The table might turn
And the sinner will behave
And what remains

Is the stories you’ve been digging out
Slander those sinners
And with no doubt
You will be held accountable  for those actions
Seeking fame and attention

Forgetting the main purpose of this life
The here after won’t be easy without sacrifice

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