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A/N– Readers, I don't know why, but in case you have ever wondered what I looked like....the pic above is me.

Avannas POV

I get to go home today, after five weeks of being trapped in this god forsaken place. I haven't spoken to my mother in two weeks. Ever since I found out she told my Abuela.

I know my not talking to her is making her upset, but she also has to take into account that she hurt me too. I don't tell many people, didn't tell many people, about my secret and I trusted her.

And for what? I'm not going to do it anymore though, it's bad for me and it's bad for my family. I made a promise to Jack and I'm going to try my hardest to keep it.

I love my family, we may not always get along, hints my mother and me, but I love them and they love me so I'm going to try my hardest to do right by them.

"Ms Parrilla?" Dr Burke asked as he walked through the door of my room.

"Yes sir?" I asked looking over seeing him reading through all my charts and stats.

"Everything still looks fine and normal" he stated. "I would say you're free to go" he added setting down my charts before smiling at me.

"Yes!" I cheered throwing my hands in the air. Dr Burke laughed at me before starting over to the door once again. "Wait!" I yelled stoping him in his tracks.

He turned around crossing his arms.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Does my mom know?" I asked squinting my eyes. Somehow I had a feeling.

"I'm, yes. I told her about thirty minutes ago" he answered slightly looking up thinking back to the exact time.

I knew it!

"How come I'm just now hearing about it?" I asked crossing my arms, cocking my head to side.

"Well, I explained to your mother that I wanted to tell you the good news myself. Unfortunately I had a few morning runs that had to be taken care off, so it took longer than expected. My apologies" he explained nodding his head in my direction.

"Oh...okay" I said getting up from the bed.

"Anything else?" He asked before asking out of the room.

Taking a second to think about the question I was just asked, I couldn't think of anything. It wasn't until I looked down at my hospital gown did I remember where I was.

"Actually, would you mind asking my mother to call my aunt Deena to see if she can bring me some clothes?" I asked sitting on the little chair by the bathroom in the room.

"Of course" he answered turning around, closing the door behind him.

Sighing out of boredom I looked around the room that I have gotten to know so well over the past five weeks. Blank white walls, white bed, white covers, everything's white. With the exceptions of the flat screen that hung on the wall across from the bed.

Rolling my eyes as I shook my head, I made my way over to my phone that was plugged in and placed by my bedside table.

Lana Parrilla shared a post

Should I check it? I don't know, she's been in here with me all this time, what could she possibly be posting about.

Contemplating my answer, I put my thumb on my home button allowing my phone to unlock. I opened Instagram before going over to my moms page.

Her latest post is a picture that was taken of us by a fan at some event, by now there's been so many I can't remember.

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