Chapter 2

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Raphael had been in Idris for five years, and he had not come by to visit. Lucy did not care though, she was glad. In fact, last year she met her boyfriend Dominic Silvercross, and today she turned 15 and could go on her first official hunt.

"We can go hunting together now." Dom said, putting his hands on Lucy's waist and kissing her neck.

Lucy turned around and kissed him on the lips. "Your right, we can" she said smiling.

"Lucy! Come here sweetie!" Kate called to her daughter.

"I have to go see what the queen wants." Lucy said, pulling away from his grip.

"I hate to watch you go, but I love to watch you leave." Dominic said.

"You're so corny." Lucy said, before walking away.

"Lucy honey, we need to talk." Kate said.

"About...?" Lucy asked.

"You and Raphael." John said.

Lucy froze. "What about that arrogant asshat?"

"He's coming tonight, for your ceremony." John said.

Lucy rolled her eyes and groaned. "No! Why?!"

"Because he's your future husband." Kate said.

"Doesn't mean I love him. I love Dominic!" Lucy said.

"Honey, your father and I made it very clear to Dominic that you two would never get married." Kate said.

Lucy stormed out of the room, and back into the main room of the Institute. She grabbed Dominic and smashed her lips against his.

"Let's get out of here." Lucy said, grabbing his arm.


They stood outside of the Institute, Dominic wrenched out of Lucy's grip.

"I hate my parents, and I hate Raphael!" Lucy said.

"That Spanish guy you're betrothed too?" Dominic said.

"Yes." Lucy said.

"He might have changed. You never know." Dominic said.

"Oh, I know he will never change." Lucy said.

"Look-" Dominic started.

"I'm just glad that you have been with me for the last year, I love you so much and I am trying to convince my parents to let us get married but they-" Lucy said.

"Look, Lucy stop for just a minute." Dominic said. "There's something I should tell you."

"These past few weeks, I haven't exactly been seeing...just you." Dominic said.

Lucy looked at him in disbelief.

"I've been with a few other girls, and I just do not want to be tied down anymore, and I'm sorry." Dominic said.

Lucy scoffed "Is this one of those 'it's not you its me' talks?"

"Well it really wasn't you, you're a great girl and Raphael is lucky to have you." Dominic said.

"He doesn't have me! Why can't anyone understand that?!" Lucy said. "You know what? Just go. I don't even want to see you. Please just go."

Dominic nodded and walked away, and Lucy sat down at the front of the Institute and cried, before getting up and just started running.

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