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A/N: ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT LETS BE FRIENDS ((my username is ellena96))


Somehow, Ashton and I made it back to his place all in one piece. I was surprised at that, considering that sometimes Ashton's definition of "fun" could be quite dangerous. But nonetheless, that was fucking awesome.

"Do you even know what time it is?" I laughed in a hushed voice as we came up to the door of B34.

"Half past a jolly good time!" He replied, his eyes squinted as he jammed the key into the slot.

"Hush down Ashton you're gonna wake up everyone," I said, not really paying attention to the idiotic smile I had on my face. "Are you still drunk or something?"

"The thing is, Brooke," He replied, that familiar and cheeky tone in his voice as he opened the door. We both tiptoed into the dark room, careful not to wake his Grandmother up. I flicked on the lights, and watched as Ashton tossed the keys onto the counter and went straight for the fridge. "Is that sometimes, I just like to get high off life."

"High off life," I repeated, sitting down at one of the bar stools. I watched as Ashton grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped down about half of it in like, 10 seconds. His words made me think back to just half an hour ago, and the way Ashton's face lit up as we were practically ontop of the car, letting the wind hit our open arms.  "I can see that in you."

Ashton walked over stood on the other side of the bar from me, his forearms resting up on the counter next to mine. I looked up to his eyes to see them squinting down at me, a small smile on his face. "I can see it in you, too." He replied.

"What?" I asked. "No Ashton, I was actually really fucking wasted tonight."

"I'm not talking about that!" He laughed, trying to keep his adorable giggles to a low volume. "I'm talking about in general."

"How is that?" I asked.

"I dunno," Ashton replied. I watched him as he yawned, putting his hand over his mouth and shutting his eyes until the heavy breath passed. "You're just always up for some adventure." The way he said 'adventure' sounded funny with his accent; I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What?" He asked.

"Adven-tah." I replied, biting my lower lip in a smile.

"Are you making fun of me?" Ashton joked, cocking one eyebrow at me.

"A little." I played a long. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he just scoffed in return.

"Geeze Brooke," He said with his  familiar cheeky tone of voice. "And to think I was going to let you stay the night."

"You wouldn't dare!" I cried out, trying to contain my laughter. I came around the other side of the couter, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head against his chest. "Please don't make me go." I looked at him, meeting his eyes with an innocent look.

"You know I can't resist those eyes." He said, a playful pout on his mouth. He yawned again, before putting his arms around my back.

"You tired?" I asked. I realized then that I'm pretty tired too. This has been a very eventful night, and I had no idea what time it was. Ashton nodded, rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. I looked over to the clock, and I gasped.

"Damn," I breathed. I stepped away from his embrace, and took his hand in mine. "Its almost 4 in the morning."

Ashton slowly blinked a couple times, and started to laugh. "That probably wasn't the best idea."

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