"But Masturbation Won't Mend My Familial Rift"

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Chapter 39:
((Playlist: 11:11 by Waterparks))

Bzzzzzz.   Bzzzzzzz.  Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Sophie rolled over in her bed, scowling at the clock on her night stand, then at the phone glowing next to it.  She rubbed a hand over her sleepy eyes.  What in the world?  Who could be calling me at this ungodly hour?

"Jackson?" she yawned.  "What is it?"

"Sophie!  We never did that project!"

"Project?  Jackson, it's four in the morning-"

"No, Sophie, it's our project!  You know, the one from like three months ago?  The one that spawned our entire relationship and the events of the aforementioned three months?  The one that's due today?"

"... Shit."

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