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Ishawn's POV

“Oh, Ishawn! Honey!” Jerica shouted while walking up the stairs and going into his work room.

“What is it Jerica?”he asked closing the portal to the Spiritual realm, where his house- more like castle, along with the dungeon and prisoners were held.

“We have guests.” she boomed cheerily.

“Oh, I'll be right down.” he replied astonished following her downstairs, but his expression turned into annoyance after seeing Katy, Kimmy and Kimar sitting in the den.

“Katy... What a wonderful surprise! What brings you here?”

“Cut the crap Ishawn. We know you've taken Val, Richard, Omar, Jace, Veronica, and some other people.” Kimmy says pissed.

“You've got quite a mouth on you little girl. How'd you know it was me?”

“Are you denying it?” Katy asks outraged.

“No... I'm taking full credit for it.” he said stressing full and Jerica giggled.

“But why?” Katy asks on the verge of tears.

“I'll gladly show you.” he said before freezing their bodies instantly and taking them through the portal of the spiritual realm for demons.

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