Chapter Five: The Old Mitch?

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Mitch opens his eyes, feeling dread and exhaustion taking over him. He moves slightly and hears his new phone vibrate on the desk. He bites his bottom lip back and then sits up. He wraps his blanket around him and sits in his chair. He picks up his phone seeing his mother has been calling him. The phone vibrates and he automatically goes to ignore it but stops himself.

"No...that's..that's the old me." Mitch said. He answers and puts the phone up to his ear. "Hey mom."

"Mitch...thank goodness." She said. Mitch grips his blanket a little.

"Sorry. You saw?" He asks.

"Yes I did. Why didn't you talk to me?" She asks. Mitch looks down fidgeting with his blanket wrapped tightly around him.

"I...I don't know. I'm sorry--"

"No. No don't apologize, I'm just glad to hear your voice. So you are moving to Florida with Jerome and them?" She asks.

"Yeah, a change of scenery might be good for me." Mitch said. She chuckles on the other end a little making Mitch smile slightly.

"Yeah. Well you can always talk to me honey, I got to go. Pick up when I call alright?" She asks.

"I will." Mitch said.

"Okay. Bye." She said.

"Bye." Mitch said. Mitch hangs up and sets his phone on the table. He lets his blanket slip down his shoulders and slump around his waist. He looks at his computer that is still on but in sleep mode. He moves the mouse lighting up the screen and showing the upload screen on Youtube. He click out of it and go to my video seeing loads of comments. He stop myself and looks away, taking deep breathes. He turn away from the computer.

'What if they make fun of me? I can't handle hate right now, I just can't.' Mitch thought. Mitch slips his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. He scrolls the page and then looks at it. He bites his bottom lip.

"Mitch." Someone said. Mitch looks at his door.

"Come in." Mitch said and Jerome opens the door. Jerome looks at Mitch.

"How did it go?" Jerome asks. Mitch looks at the floor and Jerome walks over to him. Mitch pulls the blanket over his head a little.

"I'm afraid to look at the comments." Mitch said. Jerome grabs a stool and pulls it over next to Mitch. Jerome grabs the mouse.

"Lets see then." Jerome said. Mitch stares at the floor, afraid to look at his monitor. "They're supporting you Mitch. A few haters, but that's normal with every video on YouTube." Jerome grabs Mitch chair and turns is so they face each other. "Look at me Mitch." Mitch looks up connecting eyes with Jerome. Jerome smiles. "They'll support you no matter what because they care about you. How is your back?" Mitch's eyes drop.

" usual." Mitch said. Mitch's fingers trace over scars on his wrist. "'ve been here for two weeks and..I know you saw them."

"Saw what?" He asks.

"My scars....I know you saw them." Mitch said. Jerome loses his smiles.

"I wasn't gonna say anything Mitch, I was gonna let you talk to me about them when you wanted too." Jerome said. Mitch smiles a little at that. Mitch sighs a little and feels exhaustion hit him.

"I'm exhausted." Mitch said.

"How? You've done nothing." He joked. Mitch looks up at Jerome. Mitch puts his arms around himself and Jerome loses his smile. "What's wrong?"

"When do we leave?" Mitch asks.

"Well we have to get you all packed and this house sold so, few days." Jerome said. Mitch shudders a bit. Mitch's skype goes off and Mitch looks at the monitor. Jerome answers it and Mitch pulls his blanket to cover his face.

"Hey guys." Lachlan said. Vikk, Lachlan, Preston, and Rob appear on the screen in separate windows. Jerome smiles.

"Hey guys." Jerome said. Mitch gets off his chair and out of view. Jerome watches him as Mitch leaves. Mitch walks to the kitchen and sits his hand on the counter.

"Hey Mitch." Someone said making Mitch jump and his eyes connect with Jessica's. "I saw your video." Mitch takes steps back as Jessica grabs a broom. "I didn't like it."

Because You Need Someone: Book 1 in the Need Trilogy: The Pack: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now