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Just a quick character visual of Madison and Damien.

Just a quick character visual of Madison and Damien

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Madison's pov

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Madison's pov

I fall onto my bed letting out a heavy sigh as my friend Macy starts rummaging through the billon of bags we got from our shopping spree.

Tonight I get to meet my soon to be husband since the wedding is tomorrow and we've never met.

He's some gang leader who everyone fears and apparently has bad anger issues and all that crap.

I'm only eighteen and have only hand one boyfriend,he was the worst but that doesn't matter I've never had sex so that means I'm going to have to loose it to some asshole.

Which is unfair

"Come on mads be happy you get to be princess tomorrow"she Squeals being too happy about this whole thing.

"Now get you ass in this dress"she says pulling me up off my nice comfy bed pushing me into the bathroom.

I slip on a nice right black dress that stops mid thigh and is strapless.

I walk out and Macy squeals pushing me down on a chair to start my make up

"You are going to look amazing"she says apply make up to my face and then she curls my hair and when she finishes she hand me a black pair of heels.

"Have funnnnn"she drags out making me give her a little smile

"I'll try"I reply closing the door to our shared apartment.

Which will soon be just hers.

I walk out the building and over to my dads car seeing Henry who basically does everything for my dad.

I smile at him as he opens the door for me and I say thank you.

I see my dad typing away on his phone as I sit down across from him

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