Chapter 1

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“6 years. It has been way too long.” I said as James and I made our way to the elevators. “I know. I missed this.” James said, signaling to our intertwined fingers. “I missed you.” I replied, gazing at James. James grinned and pressed the up button for the elevator. As we waited quietly for the elevator, I took the chance to examine James. He was still taller than me but he definitely became buffer. His soaked shirt give me a better view of his bigger muscles. Looking at his clinging shirt makes me just want to rip it off of him and touch his muscular body.

I looked at his face and noticed a small scar right below his jaw line. That scar was not there 6 years ago. I’m guessing that probably happened while he was playing football. I looked away from his scar and began re-examining his facial features. His eyes were a bright hazel color and I could just see all the love and affection in them. He truly was happy and I could tell. Next, I noticed that his normal short light brown had begun to turn into a dirty blonde color and had grown to slightly cover his forehead. As I was still examining James, he turned his head towards me and noticed I was looking at him. I felt a blush creep to my cheeks because he had caught me staring.

“Is there something on my face?” he asked me smirking. “If there was, I wouldn’t tell you.” I said, sticking my tongue out at him. “That’s not very nice!” James said, pouting. “I’m not a nice person.” I said grinning. “You’re right. You have been a bit naughty!” James said smirking. I rolled my eyes at James and laughed. “You do know what happens to girls who have been naughty, right?” he asked me, a evil grin spreading across his face. “No, but I’m sure you can show me.” I said winking at him.

After my comment, the elevator doors pinged and opened. Still smirking, James and I stepped into the elevator. James pressed the button for the 5th floor and the elevator doors closed. Right when the doors closed, James pushed me against the wall and I gasped in surprise. He moved his head towards me and pressed his lips against mine in a hurried kiss. Before I could fully return James’ kiss, the elevator doors pinged and we separated from each other quickly. I was still trying to compose myself when the elevator doors opened and an elderly couple entered the elevator.

I shot the couple a shy smile and felt myself blush. I felt as if they knew what we were doing in the elevator before they stepped in. I looked at James sideways and noticed that he was slightly blushing too. That caused me to smile. At least I wasn’t the only one embarrassed. The elderly couple rode up to the 4th floor and got off. The old woman glanced back me and winked, as if she was approving of what James and I were going to do.

Right as the doors closed, I took the chance to push James against the wall. I got onto my tiptoes and kissed him with all my might. I tried to pour in all the lust I was feeling into the kiss. I wanted James to know how much I missed him. Before the kiss could get any deeper, the elevator doors pinged to let us know we were on our floor but instead of stepping out of the elevator, I pressed the button to close the doors and as I did, James moved me so I was against the wall.

He put his hands on either sides of my face and looked deep into my eyes. “I love you so much.” He whispered. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. This time, our kiss wasn’t hungry, it was sweet. We wanted each other to know how much we missed each other. I parted my lips slightly and allowed James access. He deepened the kiss and began letting his hands wander down my body. His hands made their way down to my legs and lifted me up. When he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto him. I kept my hands on James chest as he began to kiss from the side of my lips to my neck. I leaned my head to the side and allowed him more access to my neck. As he planted soft kissed on my neck, I sighed in content. I had missed James’ lips. I had missed our physical relationship. There is just something about his touch that leaves me craving for more.

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