‡ Chapter 7 ‡

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I should be dead. 

I believe jumping off a skyscraper would result into death.  Especially when the inevitable fact that nothing is going to catch you clearly seals your horrifying fate.

For a mere second, I was flying.  Crazy right? 

Gravity did its niche role and my body was dropped like an anchor.  I guess it was nice how I would die facing the blurry twinkling midnight sky; my back to the ground and my gaze directing into the sea of stars.  My limp arms were spread apart, making this the perfect position for heaven to take me.

Expecting my whole life to flash before my eyes, a dark shadow filled my vision.  Funny.  I didn’t think there was a past memory where someone was falling towards me.  Was this normal?  My thoughts to be normal while falling to my intimate death?  I didn't understand.  I didn’t think this was how it was supposed to work.  Wasn’t I supposed to be screaming?  Where was the bone chilling fear?  Or heart thumping panic? 

It was like a dream.  Where you couldn’t control what was happening.  And something else was. 

The blurs thinned and my vision was back.  A switch was flicked in my system.  It dawned on me I had instant control now.  And my natural human reaction wasn’t far behind. 

My throat was parched as the brittle Sahara sand.  I was unsure if my deafening scream was audible because of the mono buzz ringing through my ears.  Then I heard a voice. 

It was vague and I blinked, the fact I was falling not helping the situation.  The dark figure was approaching closer.  “Levi?” I thought I croaked.  I slowly made out his whipped brown hair.  His arms were spread and he was dropping while facing me, his back to the heavens.  I wasn’t surprised his attributes didn’t have a drop of worry.  I desired his indifference view on death.  He was used to it; he was surrounded by it every day.  It was almost like he was immune to it.   

My heart felt as if it was defrosting and the numbness was vanishing.  It was pumping now.  Faster.  Harder.  Thud, thud, thud.  Too fast.  Too hard.  The buzzing noise increased and my lungs ached from my bloodcurdling scream.

It was hard to comprehend what was going on.  This was all happening so fast.  But my mind was processing it so slow.  Thud, thud, thud.  I blinked twice, regaining my vision.  Thud, thud, thud.  My heart rate felt like rapid fire.  Thud, thud, thud. 

Levi was shifting his weight as he approached closer towards my flailing arms.  A metre away, I caught his honey eyes grow frantic.  My stomach plummeted at his reaction and my throat burned.

Suddenly, Levi’s body draped over mine.  Warmth rushed up my stunned body.  His hard abdomen pressed against my queasy stomach.  His lips were oddly soft as they nuzzled on my ear.  Thud, thud, thud.  He whispered a soft hush-hush, “Shhhh.....”

My breath hitched and the scream immediately died in my throat.  His voice was dominant yet calm, and I shivered from the strange change.  “Wrap your arms around my waist.”  I didn’t hesitate and hugged him tight, squeezing my eyes shut as well.  There was a chance I might have broke his ribs from my firm grip.  His arms remained spread.  He said those six words I had been secretly waiting for since this life changing journey happened:

“Everything is going to be okay.”         

The problem was, judging by our current falling-off-of-skyscraper state, I hoped the next following second, I could believe him.   

With his arms and legs widened, I inhaled his distinctive scent as we both dropped towards our sealed fate.  In his position, he was like a fallen star.  And I was holding onto my wish for endangerment.  Go figure.  I dug my face deeper, nuzzling along his neck.  Fear was balled up in my chest.  Thud, thud, thud. 

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