Chapter XC

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Bella walked down the aisle and said her vows with the leech. I swear Leah was shaking the entire time, keeping her hand tight around Billy's chair. To his credit, Billy didn't seem to notice her attempt to break the the device.

"Happy thoughts," I whispered into her ear.

"Nate." As I had hoped, she'd calmed down almost immediately. After what seemed like forever, she and the monster finally turned around and walked away.

The look on her face was all but indescribable when she locked eyes with me and looked around expectantly to see Jake. Edward quickly distracted her before she could get too put out and they continued down the aisle.

"If you are family of the bride and groom, we'd like for you to stay down here. Otherwise, please feel free to head on out to the backyard." I rose next to Leah, who had her hands on Billy's chair. Leah and I were both relatively tall. In fact, having been around mostly wolves for the past five months, I had forgotten how tall I actually was. Walking around, Leah and I dwarfed the other people that we saw around us.

A firm hand shoved me back into my seat. "If you're not going to be an active part of the wedding, the least you can do is take pictures like the rest of us," Mom breathed in my ear. "I'm sure your friend can get Billy to the backyard," she added a little louder.

I turned to walk to the altar, where everyone was waiting for us. Leah grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Why are you doing this?" She wasn't asking to be demanding like Jake. You could see it in her eyes. Leah was asking to look out for me.

"Because years from now, I'll get married and Bella won't be there. And centuries from now, when my great-great-great-grandchildren are doing what you and Jake do, Bella will have to look back at these pictures. She'll see her entire family dead and realize what she gave up," I said with a smirk. "And realize that I lived happily ever after."

"Good girl," Leah said, releasing me so that I could go stand with the rest of the Cullens, the clan from up north, and the few humans that were there: me, my mom, my dad, and my sister. Although I don't think that Bella really counts as human.

One of the blonde-haired, golden eyes girls stepped forward and clasped my hand tightly in hers. Leah growled loudly, warning her. She released me instantly, allowing me to take a step back.

"After yesterday, I think you'll figure me if I don't want any contact," I said politely. Not that I cared whether she forgave me or not.

"I was only coming to apologize for Jonas' actions yesterday. We did not know that he was here," she said. She extended a hand to me. "I'm Kate," she said. I stared at her hand for a few moments before she retracted it. "No contact." I jolted my head to the side with a less than friendly smile on my face.

"Beans, over here!" Dad called. I turned away from her and took my place between my parents on Bella's side of the group. The Cullens walked closer to our side, squeezing to get all of them in. The northern vamps were included in the family, which meant more freezing cold bodies around me. The last pictures were taken and I stepped away, eager to return to the people that were actually my family. And hopefully drag Dad with me. The safer I could keep hi the better. He would always be my family.

"Ryanne!" Bella lifted her long skirt and brought it to her hip giving herself enough room to move her legs.

"Is Jake here?" she asked. Bingo, ladies and gentlemen. I knew that she only want me to go so that Jake would come.

"He had work tonight, Bella." Her friendly smile dropped, her bright eyes dimmed, the hand holding her dress fell to her side. "I didn't want to throw off Alice's count, so I brought Leah."

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