Chapter XCII

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Jake's warm body lie underneath mine, both arms wrapped around me in a reverse bear hug. My arms were pinned beneath me, elbows pinned to my ribcage. He moved me up and down with his breathing, his breath fanning across my hair and forehead with each exhale.

"You're staring," he informed after I'd been resting my chin on his sternum and looking up at him.

"You always stare," I reminded him.

"It doesn't count when I'm staring at you," he said simply. I rolled my eyes and rested my head against his chest again.

"We should get into the house before my dad realizes that we never came home."

"Your dad drank so much last night, I doubt he remembers his name," I laughed. "Thank you for last night," I added.

He rolled me underneath him, my naked skin chilled against the cold morning air. Jake chuckled and rested most of his body against mine, the warmth surrounding me like it had been all night. He pressed his lips against mine in a tender morning kiss that drove me crazy.

"Good morning to you too," I chuckled when he pulled away from me. He laughed back at me and drove his hips against mine in delicious friction.

"So how was the wedding?" he asked, his heart thudding against boob. "Was it beautiful and romantic? Are you and Leah planning things now?" he laughed.

"I don't swing that way, Jake," I teased. To my astonishment, he growled.

"Oh please; like I'd ever leave you." He smiled again at me. "No, the wedding was nice and large. Nothing like what I would picture for me and you." His heart stammered in his chest. "What was that? I didn't say it!"

"I know, but saying that you want to marry me is pretty much the same as saying it," he informed me. I just laughed at him. "So what exactly does this wedding of ours entail of?" His lips hit my cheek, moving his way down to my jaw, up behind my ear.

"The beach," I began, my breath catching in my throat as he hit the little hollow were my skull met my neck. "And the blankets and the waves," I continued. Jake continued his own way down my neck and into my shoulder. "And our families. You know, the pack and the Council and my parents." His hand wavered in the space between our chests like a human radiator. "A little early, don't you think?"

"Never." He raised his head and caught my lips again, growling eagerly into my mouth.

"Ryanne?" Jake groaned and lifted, but I pulled his head back to me. "Ryanne Lee Swan, I know that you're down here." Jake puled away again, but I followed him. "Ryanne!" He finally snarled and pushed off of me.

"What is she doing here?" he snapped.

"Probably because I was a bitch yesterday," I sighed. "You better monkey man your way into the house because if my mother catches me naked in a treehouse with you, she's liable to kill me."

"She'll be back in Florida before she can kill you," he said with a scoff. "But my dad will actually kill us. No funny business, remember?" I draped the sheet that we were lying on around my body like a dress and climbed into Jake's arms. He kept me steady with one arm cradling me like a child and the other sneaking us out the door and down the stationary ladder that we had used maybe once in our lifetimes. He tossed me through the window that led to his bedroom before puling himself up and in. I pulled on one of Jake's long t-shirts and a pair of leggings before heading to the door.

My mother banged her fist against the door again. "Ryanne Lee! I know you're in there," she shouted.

"Jake, go check on your dad," I whispered in the moment before the door opened. Mom came in then, not even bothering to wait for her invitation.

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