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"Dad, Come on!" I shouted.

"One second, Lou!" He yelled.

I'm finally a third year and dad's teaching DADA this year. Let me fill you in on what happened; On my first year, nothing really happened. The only weird thing is that whenever I go near Professor Quirrell, the scar on my neck hurts. I don't know what happened to him because I never saw him on my last day. Oh yeah! We were about to win the house cup that year but Professor Dumbleore added some last minute points to Gryffindor.

On Second year, yeah...that wasn't a good year. The chamber of secrets was opened and a lot of people were petrified but I did became the Slytherin chaser. How? Well, I was flying one day when the Slytherin Quidditch Captain, Marcus Flint, saw me and complemented me on how amazing I was and gave me the chaser spot. Oh! I almost forgot! Blaise and Daphne almost saw my power; I was in my room when they both barged in. The room was covered in ice at that time but good thing they thought it was just me redecorating. Weird thought but okay. Anyway, Malfoy and his gang still bullies me. And my 'Hogwarts Queen' title became official by 2nd year. Whoever labeled me that must be bloody mental. Oh! I also had a bloody awful teacher that year. I don't even know why girls liked Professor Lockhart. He's so full of himself! He's also not a good teacher! I don't even know why Professor Dumbledore hired him. Then there was this snake incident. Lockhart started a Dueling Club and asked Professor Snape for help. At first, the teachers battled then they called Malfoy and Harry to battle. Malfoy conjured up a snake and Lockhart wanted to show off and tried to get rid of the snake. Sadly, he failed. Then the snake slithered to Justin Finch-Fletchley but then Harry tried talking to the snake and some people didn't understand him. I don't even know why since he's talking in english! I kept it to myself since other people might think I'm crazy for understanding him, when in reality he's speaking THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!!

"Let's go, Lou!" Dad exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I grabbed my trunk and placed it in the car. I got in and we drove away.

Time Skip to Train Ride...

"Hey, Dad, is it okay if I see my friends for a bit?" I asked.

"Alright. But make sure you come back here, okay?" He said.

I nodded. I exited the compartment and looked for Daphne and Blaise. While looking for them, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Watch where you're going next time, Lupin." Said a familiar voice.

"Oh, it's you." I seethed. "Move."

"You're not the boss of me." Malfoy said.

"I'm not but you do realise that I can beat the crap out of you right here, right now." I said.

It's true though. Dad made me take fighting lessons, when I was 8, to defend myself just in case.

"Prove it." He said.

He asked for it. Before he could do anything, I need him in the crotch and punched his face.

"You asked for it." I said and continued looking for Daphne and Blaise.

Surprisingly, they were only 2 doors down from where I beat the crap out of Malfoy. I opened the door to be instantly pounced by Daphne.

"Nice to see you too, Dee." I said.

We actually have nicknames for each other. Mine is Lou, Daphne's Dee and Blaise is Ace.

"I missed you, Lou." She said and let go of me.

"Missed you too, Dee. Ace, don't I get a hug?" I said.

Blaise stood up and hugged me so I hugged back. We pulled away and he sat back down again. I closed the door and sat beside Daphne.

"How's your summer?" Blaise asked.

"Great but a little bit boring since I didn't have anyone to talk to." I said.

"But we were owling you." Daphne said.

"Yeah but I wanted to hangout with someone." I said.

"Sorry but we weren't in town." Daphne said.

"Me too." Blaise said.

"It's okay, guys. I-"

I was cut off by the room getting colder and the train stopping. 

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I don't know." Blaise said.

The room was getting colder and colder but it's not me who's doing that. I tightened my jacket and sat closer to Daphne. Then, a shadow appeared outside the door and I saw it's hand closer to the knob. I sat even closer to Daphne but I remembered what to do. I took out my wand and was about to say the spell, when a bright light appeared and the Dementor flew away. The room got warmer and the train started moving, so I sat back down and tucked my wand back in my jacket pocket.

"What just happened?" Daphne asked, shocked.

"Dementors. I heard Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the ministry used the Dementors to look for him." I explained.

"Why did you take your wand out?" Blaise asked.

"Because I know a spell that can defend us from Dementors. It got away before I can even do it." I replied.

My Dad taught me the Patronus Charm just this summer. Weirdly enough, my patronus was a snake. 

"I need to go and see if my Dad is okay." I said.

"Your Dad is in the train?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah but just between you and me, he's gonna be our new DADA teacher." I said.

They nodded and I stood up. 

"I'll see you later." I told them and left to go back to my Dad's compartment.

Merlin, I hope he's okay!

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