Brother and Sister

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I climbed up the stairs of the Astronomy tower, thinking about everything I learned today. I can't believe my own father would hide something this big from me. And I was supposed to entrust him with my life!

Once I reached the top, I saw that there was someone already there and it's the most wretched person I've ever met in my whole life; Draco Malfoy. I was about to go back down but he, sadly, called my name. "Lupin?"

I sighed and asked, "What?"

"What are you doing here?" he said, taking a step towards me.

"Nothing. I was just leaving." I said and was about to take a step down when he grabbed my wrist and spun me around so I was facing him. I accidentally bumped onto his chest, making my face warmer.

"You've been crying." he stated as he wiped a stray tear with his other hand.

"No, I wasn't. T-there's something in my eye s'all." I stuttered.

"Yeah, right." he sarcastically said and dragged me up the bench. He pushed me down and conjured a handkerchief from his pocket.

He took out his wand, pointed the tip on the hanky and muttered, "Aguamenti."

Water sprouted from his wand and onto the hanky. When the cloth was fully soaked, he tucked in his wand back into his pocket. He sat down beside me and grabbed my chin to make me face him. He began to gently wipe the cloth on my eyes and after doing so, shoved the hanky in his pocket and stood up.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked him.

"I'm guessing you don't want anyone to know you've been crying so I wiped your eyes with water 'cause water will make the redness go away." he explained.

"No, not that. I meant...why were you being nice to me? I mean we hate each other. You've been bullying me for 2 years now!" I exclaimed.

"Can't I at least be nice for once?!" He shouted.

"How do I know it's not a trick into befriending me and learning my deepest secrets so you could use it against me or spread it around?! You've been bullying me, Draco! You've been calling me mudblood, when I'm actually a Pur-" I stopped. I suddenly remembered that I was Harry Potter's twin sister. Harry Potter's a half-blood and so am I.

"What?! A Pureblood?! Please! Someone like you can't possibly be a pureblood!" He yelled.

Instead of replying, I shoved past him and left the astronomy tower but not before muttering "Prick" and giving him a quick kick in the crotch. I ran past many people and once almost near the common room, a figure stopped right in front of me.

I looked up to see Harry Potter. Ugghh!! Honestly, I didn't want to talk to anyone after what happened. Can someone make him disappear? PLEASE?! I'm going through a lot right now and I don't think this will help.

"Louisa, can we talk?" he asked.

"No, sorry. Can we talk some other time?" I asked. Not waiting for him to reply, I was about to walk past him but he blocked my way. Again.

"It won't take that long." he insisted.

"Harry, I don't want to talk right now." I said.

"Please?" he begged.

I sighed and said, "Fine but I'll only give you 5 minutes."

He nodded and dragged me to the black lake. He let go of my arm and kicked some stones into the water.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as I copied him.

"The twin thing." he muttered.

"Oh. That." I mumbled.

" do I say this? I'm really glad that you're my twin sister, you know? It's kind of upsetting when you don't have a family left but when Dumbledore told us that you're my twin sister, I suddenly felt happy and at the same time, furious." he started.

"Furious? Why would you be furious? I understand the happy part but why furious?" I asked.

"I was furious 'cause they just suddenly told me I have a twin sister. I have been moping and crying almost every night, thinking I have no family when I do. They kept you, my twin sister, a secret from me." He continued. "How could you not be furious?"

"I thought that was clear when I ran out of Dumbledore's office, crying. So...ummm...since I'm your twin sister, are you disgusted by the fact that I'm a Slytherin?"

He frowned and said, "I'm not but I was a little disappointed. I'm over it now though. What matters to me now is I have a family. A twin sister. My other half. I suddenly feel protective saying that."

I chuckled and said, "Protective? You? What? Are you suddenly big brother now? What if I'm the oldest?"

"That's highly impossible." He stated.

We both laughed and laughed. Instead of talking for 5 minutes, we talked all day. Like we've known each other for years. Like family. By dinner time, we ended our conversation.

"It's time for the feast." I said. "We better get back."

"Yeah. It was nice talking to you. I'm happy that I'm close to my twin sister now." he said.

"Me too, Harry. Me too." I muttered.

We stood up and dusted our clothes. I was about to leave, when Harry pulled me in for a hug. I, of course, hugged back. I pulled away and we both went back to the castle. Before entering the great hall, we hugged one last time.

"Love you, sis." he whispered.

"Love you too, bro." I mumbled.

"I'll see you later?" he asked after we parted.

"Of course! We still have A LOT of catching up to do." I said, stressing out 'a lot'. He then chuckled, shaking his head a bit.

I let him enter the great hall first and I entered second. I sat down on a random seat by the Slytherin table and silently ate. This day has been full of surprises but at least there were also good surprises.

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