White Rose

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In the dark the petals shine.
Not of hues of pink, or wine,
but with a white of angels wings.
A pure, pale beauty,
alone among the shadows.

It stands alone.
Amongst the malingering shade
it glistens with blissful,
moon-soaked radiance.
Standing. Beautiful;
turning droplets of dusky dew to
sparkling, diamond tears.

I sit alone.
Among the leaves and
dew-soaked grass I stare in silence.
These are the hours; the dreaded
Hours of the suns slow slumber.
When brooding shadows lengthen
as darkness suffocates the universe.

It is in this twilight I glimpse reflections of the shade within
my soul.
The darkness wraps its malignant membrane around my heart.
Drowning sinews in steeped despair
of satin black.
Blinding my eyes with terror,
sowing doubts behind my back.

But not the rose.
Stoic in silence; its radiance a beacon
amidst the storm of shadows.
Its bitter waves and rocks
strike noiselessly against wondrous
white walls of defiant light.

Perfect in its imperfections.
Its endless ephemerality encases
its frame with a flawless fallibility
that forever changed my heart.

I have not, nor ever will again,
see such beauty as glistening,
moonlight sheaths gliding gently
on a winter breeze.

On the frigid furnace of frost
its petals fade and burn,
as darkness takes its turn.
The too-long wait begins to beckon.
For such a moonlight beauty to
once again return.

A/N Thanks so much for reading! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, I was doing exams for the last two weeks so I could only do bits of stuff :P. I think this is one of, if not my longest poem yet so I'd really like to hear what you think about it! Again, thanks for reading.

Until next time :)

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