Chapter Six

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"Gosh, Gin by the looks of it you haven't eaten in weeks!" Hermione exclaimed when the two couples were seated and had gotten their breakfast.

"Shut up 'Mione" Ginny grumbled through a mouthful of eggs benedict

"What has gotten into you all of a sudden?" Draco asked her with an eyebrow raised, Ginny swallowed the massive bite of egg she had in her mouth before answering

"I'm eating for two, cut me some slack!" her voice and face appeared blank. It took Hermione a beat before she fully comprehended what the red –head said.

"Oh my gosh! Ginny!" she squealed. Draco looked confused and glanced at Harry for any sort of help; Harry just smiled at him.

"I am definitely missing something" Draco huffed

"Oh my dear Malfoy," Ginny paused slightly "I am pregnant" she finished with a hint of amusement

"What! Congratulations Ginny, you too Potter." Draco smiled at them

"How long have you guys known?" Hermione asked her friends

"Well we found out about three weeks ago, and at that point Ginny was two weeks along," Harry answered clasping onto his wife's hand

"Wow you've known since before you were married! How did you keep it a secret for so long?" Hermione questioned grinning from ear to ear, she was so incredibly happy and proud of her friends for everything they've accomplished together

"It was tough, but we thought it best to wait until after because it was so close to the wedding, actually you two are the first to know" Ginny answered Hermione's question diligently

"Really? We're the first people you've told?" Draco inquired. Ginny nodded with a grin on her face. The rest of breakfast passed by peacefully, with the occasional bit of small talk, it wasn't until they were almost finished that the atmosphere was interrupted.

"Well hello," Hermione's back stiffened when she heard the familiar voice, Draco noticed the slight movement and looked past her to see her brunette cousin.

"Good morning Ella, how did you sleep?" Draco asked politely, immediately Ella's attitude changed from one of hostility to nervousness

"Very well, thank you" she answered looking at the ground, Hermione cleared her throat

"Ginny, Harry this is my cousin Ella" she answered their unasked question.

"Hi there," Harry said politely, Ella just nodded in acknowledgement. About a minute of silence passed before the rest of Hermione's family came into view

"Hermione, dear!" Hermione's grandmother called "have you already eaten?"

"Yes we all just finished breakfast actually." She turned to her parents "Mum, Dad you remember Harry and Ginny right?"

"Of course we do" Mike Granger stepped towards the couple as Harry stood. The two men shook hands

"Pleasure to see you again Mr. Granger"

"You too Harry, am I correct that you just got married a couple weeks ago?" Mike asked

"Yes sir, I believe you've met my wife Ginny" upon hearing her name Ginny rose from her seat and shook Hermione's fathers hand.

"Of course, how are you dear?"

"I'm quite alright, thank you. And yourself?"

"Just fine"

"Oh my goodness, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you" Hermione 's mother cried pulling Ginny in for a hug and then doing the same to Harry

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