chapter 10

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Tiara's pov:


That's what I woke up to.I got up from my bed to see that my school bag and my clothes that looks like it has been selected from my closet.I notice a note right by my's probably my mum who wrote it since I didn't hear her waking me instead it's my alarm clock that I just realised.

Good morning sweetheart,

I'm sorry that I was not there to wake you up as I am at work right about now.Tonight,your uncle will be coming for dinner so make sure you dress a properly not saying anything.Also,You are going to school in about an hour.There is food at the kitchen counter if would want some breakfast and there is some food for you to hear it up when you get back from school.I maybe home late so put some money too for you.Have a great first day of school,sweethear.

Love mum,

P.s,The address for the school is at the back of the paper.

Leave it to my mum to write a note for me.good to know that my uncle is coming over for dinner.I got up from my bed and place the note on my dresser. I did my morning routine,grab my school bag and the note. I head downstairs towards the kitchen,to see niall already scavenging for food looks like Liam doesn't let him eat my breakfast before I could eat it.Typical niall.

"Good morning tiara,liam made me not eat your breakfast so I'm looking for food to eat,"Niall said as he still continuing searching.

I want up to the counter,to see toast and eggs ready for me.Beside it,is the money my mum gave me.I ate my breakfast as I have only 40 minutes to spare.

"Tiara,this will be your first time in a new school but we will still be there for you.Just in case,something happens on your first there in school.We will just be visible towards you only.Just in case,You need someone to talk to while being bored in class,"Harry said while sitting down next to me.

I nodded my head.I grab the money and started to head out the door.I look at the back of the boys.The school name is Lockwood high.

(I have no idea if it's real or not so please don't look it my country there's not much high school so I didn't know what high school should I use because I have no idea how high school world.Anyone who does please tell me in the comments.)

I realised it's just a twenty minute walk and I only got 30 minutes left.I quickly walk to school with the boys trailing behind me.

~at school~

To say the most,I'm nervous.What would people think of me?Am I wearing the correct clothes?Do I look okay?How does my breath smells?Is there an escape route I could go?I felt a hand on my shoulder.I looked up to see Zayn looking down at me.

"Don't worry tiara,You do fine.At least Ashley is not here to ruin your life,right?"zayn said.

He is right though.Ashley is not here and I have not heard anything from her so it should be fine.Hopefully,she did not change school,just to get me.Then again luck was not on my side,I saw Ashley walking down the corridor with a boy in tow.I walked towards the office.I think it was Ashley because it looks like her to me,at least.

"Hello sweetie,What's your full name?"The lady at the counter asked.

"My name is tiara thunder,"I awnsered.

"Ah yes,Tiara thunder,here's your locker number,locker combination,Your class schedule.I will send in a student to show you around the school so that you familiarise the school when John us,"She said as she handed me,the items.

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