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Tyler heard a soft vibrating sound emitting from somewhere in the room. After waking up completely, he recognized the sound to be his phone, which was located under some clothes on the cream carpeted floor.


"Tyler, hi."

"Madison," the brunette sat down on the bed again, wrapping his lower half in the fluffy white comforter. "w-what's up?"

"Nothing...I-I just called to say hi."

"What's the deal with all of my siblings calling lately?" the brunette muttered, but the speaker still picked it up.

"We miss you. We always have. The three of us realized that it was time for us to get our act together and try to talk to you," Tyler listened as his little sister's voice faltered slightly when she inhaled then again when she exhaled. "We love you, Ty."

"I-I...I can't talk right now. I have to get ready for class."

He hung up almost instantly, feeling his body shutter. He expelled a sigh, wrapping up his body with the blanket and walking out into the living room.

"Hey buttercup," Joshua looked up from the book he had been reading. It seemed like he automatically recognized the frown pulling at his lover's cheeks. "c'mere babe." Tyler made he was over to the couch, the comforter dragging behind him.

"My siblings have decided that they want to be apart of my life again." the brunette muttered as he settled into the older man's lap.

"That's great," Joshua exclaimed quietly, kissing the top of the younger man's head while massaging his back.

"Is it? I don't even know what my parents have to say about this," Tyler looked up at Josh, his eyes filled with worry. "Why now? What's the point? I haven't talked to any of them in forever...what's so important now? Is someone dying? Or dead even?" the overanxious thoughts erupted inside the brunette's skull, striking slight pain in his temple.

"Tyler, it's okay I promise. Ever thought that maybe they just miss their older brother?"

The brunette breathed out a sigh, realizing his irrationality. "I mean, I guess."

"Right. I'm not saying you shouldn't be cautious, but give them a chance at least. Maybe start off slow," the twinkle in his eye was accentuated with angelic memories. "Like you did with me."

The comment earned the older man a laugh from Tyler, making him smile even more.

"We need to get ready for class." the brunette muttered into the side of Joshua's neck, kissing it lightly.

"Yeah, we do. Why don't you get the shower running. I'll be there in a minute."

Tyler's cheeks burned red. "Okay."

The brunette stood from Josh's lap, and made his way to the bathroom. Right before he walked in, he turned his head back to the man still sitting on the couch, who was watching him with blown, hungry eyes. Tyler smirked before dropping the comforter to his feet, revealing a very naked behind.

"Don't make me wait."

this is SO short.
i wanted to update today tho because yesterday was the best day of my life.

i live in CT, and at the college UConn hosts an event called True Colors, where everyone in the LGBTQ+ community can be apart of (lots of schools do it thru GSA)

i went and had a blast...

and i came out to my parents.
i'm pansexual guys !!

it was amazing and so overwhelming.

thank u all so much for being apart of this weird thing i do !! it means so much lmao n i know i say this in like every authors note but seriously this is a dream come true

i love u all.

x- madison.


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