Fresh Breath

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As I put my pencil down, I sigh in relief. I needed to get that off my chest. No one will ever understand the emotions I have just put into that book, no one. Not even Shadow. No one has felt pain like I have, guilt for everything I have ever done in life, grief, depression, desperation, hatred. The list could go on, but the good thing about not telling people your emotions is that no one can judge you for them. If you keep them lock up, no one will know, and no one will pity you. No one will lie, and tell you it’ll all get better. When it won’t.

People say that heroes, don’t need a hero. But we do. They also think we all are perfect and are happy-go-chappy people. But we’re not. For me at least. I always had to put on a happy face, and pretend it was all alright, because if I didn’t, I would be called an attention seeker, and that I was just faking it for more attention. You know what? I’m actually, kind, happy that all this hero stuff has ended. Now I can be myself. I can show my emotions, and no one will care. Because I’m just a nobody now. And I am finally free, to be me.

I feel a smile creep onto my face, but then slowly fade into a frown, as I think of him.

I really do miss him. He was like a father figure to me, and now I have nothing. No one to look up to. He remembers everything we went, though, the tough and the easy, he remembered it all. His life was taken to quickly; it wasn’t fair how he died. It wasn’t. I should have been the one to die, not him. He saved me from himself. But on one knew that. No one else was there, not even one of his robots. They all say that I did it. That I was sick and tired of his plans for world domination. No one will know that he risked his life to save his enemy. Now that is a real hero, and I will never forget him. Ivo Robotnik will continue to live in my memories for the rest of my life.

I then place my diary on the bookshelf, unhidden, begging to be found. To be read. But no one will, no one thinks of the obvious places, like out in the open, in a bookshelf.

Making my way to the kitchen, I pass the fridge and head right to the door. Unlocking it, I head out. Not bothering to lock it, as Tails needs a way in. I just decided that I’m going go for a walk, not a run, just a walk to take in everything. I don’t ever want to run again anyways. What’s the point if it’s not needed. No one needs my help anymore. Walking is so much better anyway. I can actually have a proper look at the environment around me.

I can see the beautiful trees, bathing in sunlight. The beautiful green grass, swaying from the wind. The birds, as they fly, enjoying their freedom. I don’t know where I’m going, but I really don’t care. I just let my feet go where ever they want like they have their own mind. I must have a walk for an hour as I come across a beautiful rainforest, that I haven’t seen before. Maybe I have, and I’ve just forgotten, but I just don’t remember ever seeing it before. My mind begging for an adventurer after all this time is the reason I will have my legs to get closer and closer to the forest edge.

‘Might as well. Not like I have nothing better to do, anyway.’

So I head into the think of the trees. As I am walking, my ears twitch as they catch the sounds of scattering animals, the birds in the sky, of the twigs snapping under my feet, and the faint sound of running water. I don’t know why but I head in the general direction of the water. As I continue to walk I see many different plants, ferns to the towering trees, they cover this place. There are small trees as well. I try to avoid stepping on any of the young plants as I continue on my path to the sound of flowing water.

Then the rushing of what gets louder and louder, until I stumble across something beautiful. The beautiful little pond stands in the middle of the beautiful green and red bushes. The flowing is coming from a small waterfall, the waterfall having an arch made of the tree above it. No leaves litter the crystal surface, giving a perfect view of the thousands of pebbles on the bottom. Rocks surround the edge of the water, acting as a fence. Surely this is a place where gods must meet, I think. It’s so beautiful.

I am in awe at this place. Back when I was fighting Eggman, I would have only had a quick, brief look before being shooed off to go fight the bad guy. But now, with one else here, I can honestly look at nature the way I never got to, and I am in shock. It is absolutely stunning. Just as remarkable as Shadow.

I can’t believe in all the years I have been alive; I have never seen a place look so magnificent.

As I walk through the bushes, I pick a random rock to sit on and just take in tranquillity around this location. It’s so magical. Crossing my legs, I close my eyes and take a deep breath of fresh air, then let it out. I continue this pose for hours probably. But I really don’t care, meditating is the only way to clear my mind, as of late.

I have probably been sitting here for a while. I know I have when I, finally, look up at the sky, through a little peeking hole in the trees, to see it has different shades of pink, purple, and oranges mix in with sky blue. I am so calm and away from my life, that when my wrist communicator goes off, it ends up scaring and in the process making, give a squeak and force me to fall off the rock and into the water. But luckily, on my part, it’s not deep, and only wets my bottom. I hop back up quickly, and just stand in the ankle deep water, and look down to see who is calling.

“Hey, buddy. What you doing?” I ask, knowing he is at home right now, and probably wants me back now.

“Where are you Sonic? I’ve been back for hours, and you haven’t come back” he says, scolding me. “You didn’t even leave me a note. Just come home now.” He says while I show the yellow fox my fake smile.

“I’m sorry, I went for a walk. I’ll be ba-” my smile flatters a little as he interrupts me.

“Yeah, yeah. Just get home quick.” After he finishes, I watch as the screen goes black. My smile fading away.

I know it was rude of him to interrupt me, but as of late I really don’t care anymore, and he’s a teen. I remember how hard it was to be a teen. The pimples, the hormones, the attitude. I really should start pulling him in line for it, but I can’t help but feel like I deserve it. Anyone can do or say anything to me, and I just won’t care one bit. It’s like all the respect I used to get, just vanished into thin air. Just like how I have become numb to the world around me. Like how I don’t care for myself anymore. Like how no one does.

As I head off back in the direction I came from, I make a mental note to come back here later. Or when I have the chance to at least. As I continue to pass the bundles of leaves that make up bushes, and plants, to look up again through the parting in trees. The stars are starting to show up. I have always thought that stars were beautiful. They are like the brighter side of night, they’re like a light is to the dark, because no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, they will always be there. Looking down on us. I also like to think that every time someone dies, their soul turns into a star, that they are shining above us.

As the day continues to fade into the night, I finally make it out of the rainforest. I memorise this place, and the way I came, from the ferns to the trees. After studying every little detail, I then start on my way home again. Content on coming back tomorrow. 


I'm sorry it took so long to update, but I have an editor, MaddHatt3r. Thank you for editing this chapter and future chapter, so all credit for editing goes to her. But I should be post more frequently soon. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all later, buh-bye.

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