Chapter Two: The Mystery Person.

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         Here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy.  And please help me come up with a title for the story. is the next chapter for you.

Disclaimer:  I sadly don't own any of the characters in this story/role-play.

  Meanwhile, Raven woke up. She didn't remember  what happened at all.  She then looks down and realizes that she was chained to the wall. She tries to break out again. She then sighs. She couldn't believe she was captured again. First by Slade, and now by the Hive. Raven:Not again. Let me go!  Voice:Sorry, my sweet Raven. I can't do  that. Raven then recognizes the person's voice. She couldn't believe who  it was. And she was shock. Raven(shocked):Oh no. I definitely need to get out of here. She thought that maybe she could use her powers. Raven: Azarath, Metrion, Zinth-Oh forget it. She sighs as she waits for the mystery person. The person then walks out of the shadows and she gasps at who was standing there.

  It couldn't be! She hated this person more then anyone ever. He  broke her heart a long time ago.  But, it was the person she thought it was. Raven: Malchior!  Malchior:Oh, you remember my name. Shocking to know that. I've been looking for you. Raven glares at him. Raven(annoyed):So, you found me, so what? He then walks towards her. She didn't want him getting closer to her. She was still mad at him because of what happened long ago. She then backs up. Malchior: Same old Raven. I was thinking, maybe we can get back together? Raven was grossed out by him, not to mention over him.  Raven(annoyed):Uh, no. Malchior: And why is that? Raven(mad):Because, you a dragon in a human body. And you used me. I won't fall for it again. 

 Malchior was shocked that she didn't want to give him another chance.  But, he was going to make her, no matter what. Malchior:You don't have a choice, when your friends come, I'll capture them too. Raven(mad):Leave my friends alone you- Malchior cuts her off. Malchior:Oh, just shut up. Raven sighs. She just hoped that her friends and boyfriend would notice she was captured and are on their way to rescue her.

END OF THE CHAPTER! Sorry that this chapter was too short. I'll try to make the next chapter longer.                                      ^_^ 

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