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"Stab him in the arm." Scarlett muttered, closing her eyes.

Clev made a sweeping motion with his arm, withdrawing a small dagger from his belt in the process, "As you wish." Then he turned around and jammed the blade into Drayce's forearm, right above his elbow. He grunted and tried even harder to get his feet under him.

"How was that?" Clev asked Scarlett.

Scarlett ignored him.

"Hmm...must not have been good enough." Clev muttered, loud enough for her to hear. He pulled the knife out and tapped it on Drayce's lowered nose, spreading the sticky blood across it. "What's next, Scarlett?" He asked, looking at Drayce with glee. 

Scarlett was silent for a moment before saying, voice barely above a whisper, "Make a scar on his other arm."

"A scar? Well well well...now we are getting somewhere." Clev said as he dragged the blade down Drayce's other arm, deepening it the farther he went. The cut was sure to scar.

Sweat poured down Drayce's forehead and glistened on his chest. He clenched his teeth tightly, praying for the pain to end.

Scarlett closed her eyes tightly.

Clev pulled the knife away from Drayce's arm and walked over to Scarlett. He gripped her chin in his beefy hand and forced her head up, "What's wrong, Scarlett? Not so tough now, are you?" He mocked.

Scarlett spat at him, giving him a death glare.

On instinct, Clev smacked her across the face and wiped the glob of spit off his face. "Now that's the Scarlett I know." He grinned and let go of her, "So men, what do you think I should do to him next, hmm?" He asked, twirling the knife in his hand around and around.

A guard with a crooked nose holding Scarlett spoke up, "Maybe his pretty little face could use some remodeling?" He suggested, grinning cruelly.

"Ah! What a good idea, Yoken! I think I might just give you a promotion for that!" Clev chuckled and Yoken seemed quite pleased with himself.

Clev stalked over to Drayce, the same cruel smirk sill plastered across his face, "Did you hear that? You're getting a whole makeover!" He cruelly teased and lifted the knife up so it was resting on Drayce's cheek. "Where should I do this first?" He said rhetorically. "What about...here." With that, Clev dug the knife into Drayce's left ear.

Instantly, Drayce screamed and jerked his head, trying to rid the knife from his ear.

"Let him go! Torture me instead." Scarlett yelled out.

"Oh no. This is too fun!" Clev said calmly, giving the knife another twist and causing Drayce to scream again.

Finally, he removed the knife and more blood gushed from Drayce's ear. Clev wiped the blood from the blade onto Drayce's stomach casually. "Hmm...I'm pretty sure I ripped your eardrum there, so I wouldn't get your hopes up on being able to use that ear anymore."

Drayce's head swung down and his breathing was quite laborious. He hung there quietly, barely conscious.

"Alright, boys, who wants the next promotion? Well what should we do next? Extra points for creativity!"

The guards guffawed loudly, and one shouted out, "Break his nose, so it looks just as pretty as Yoken's!" This set them off into another round of laughter.  Scarlett burned in rage.

"Would you like to have the pleasure?" Clev asked the guard who suggested it. "Go right ahead. I'm content to just watch."

The guard cracked his knuckles, stepping forward towards Drayce. He threw a hard punch to Drayce's nose, producing a sickening crunch.

Drayce coughed loudly, gasping and wheezing for breath.

Clev clapped his large hands, "Excellent! I think just one more thing is in order for him and then we'll be done for now." The guards grumbled at that and Clev sent them a glare. "But, whoever thinks up the next one will get the last promotion. I wanna see your imaginations work now, boys. Whatever will humiliate him in front of his girlfriend."

Scarlett's eyes flashed fire and she struggled against the guards.

"Hey boss." One stepped forward, "What if we used the infection gun to his face? That'll be a little distracting for her to kiss." He sneered.

"That's a good idea, but I'm afraid it would be a little hard to keep him from dying then. Keep thinking." Clev said with a raised brow, "We can't let him die, now can we. He's too much fun."

"Then do it in his leg!" The guard persisted, wanting the promotion.

"Idiot, if he can't handle it in his face then he can't handle it in his leg! He's too weak! Someone else go." Clev twirled the knife in his hand as he waited expectantly.

"Just shoot him in the leg, then." A more senior guard replied, crossing his arms.

"You all are no fun." Clev grumbled, "I'll just do it myself." He rubbed his bristly chin and stared at Drayce's sunken form. "Quite the pitiful thing...aren't you?" He mused, "Well what can I do to humiliate you...hmm..." He slowly circled Drayce, "Maybe something other than pain. What about...yes. That is perfect." He mumbled to himself and quickly stepped over to Scarlett. With a flick of his wrist, he snapped the blade beneath her neck and grabbed onto her hair, holding her head still even though she was still secured between two men.

"Beg." Clev ordered Drayce. "Beg for me to spare her."

Drayce blinked slowly, "N-no." He croaked, his voice scratchy and dry sounding.

Clev pulled the knife tighter against Scarlett's neck, making her glare spitefully at anyone who dared to look her in the eyes. "Beg, Scum." Clev repeated.

With that, Drayce relented, feeling too weary to fight it anymore. "P-please. D-don't..."

Scarlett tensed under the feel of the blade, "Drayce..." When he glanced up at her she mouthed "power".

He shook his head wearily, his eyes glazed and foggy.

"Louder." Clev ordered, tightening his grip on Scarlett.

"Please." Drayce begged, projecting his voice a little more.

Clev chuckled and released Scarlett's hair. "Let's go, men. We can come back later." He instructed, "Leave her here for now." And with that, the men dropped Scarlett onto the ground and left. The single bulb illuminating the room flickered once then remained steady.


So sorry it has been forever since I updated. Ugh, I keep forgetting :/ Sorry guys.

Ithildae and Evara

Scarlett - Evara
Drayce - Ithildae
Clev - Ithildae

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