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Lisa's POV

This year for my birthday my grandfather is letting me study overseas. Especially studying in Los Angeles, California ! I have been homeschooled my entire life and I finally get to seek out more into the world. Sighs. I laid down on my bed.

"Lisa! Let's go honey! The car is waiting for you!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I instantly got up and sprint downstairs.

"There you are my gorgeous little girl" She hugged me tightly. "Now study safe and call me often" Slowly releasing me.

I kissed my mom and greeted her goodbye and walked outside. I quickly ran toward my grandfather.

"Goodbye grandfather, Thank you!" I hugged him tightly.

"Ah~ My sweet grandchild, I hope you study well and always call often"

I nodded and gave my last hug. The car began as I went inside. As the car went, I looked back at my mom and grandfather, oh I love them so much. Saranghae.

At the same time, I was excited, curious, wondering so much. Excited for new things to come my way. And never knowing what will actually come..

I finally arrived at the airport, it was my first time here so I was honestly very thrilled.

I checked in my ticket that my grandfather already preordered. My flight wasn't until an hours, so I headed around mini shops and the food court.

While walking and rolling my suitcase around, I decided to stop at this cafe since I was in the need for some caffeine.

I decided to order a small Americano and when I got my ordered I immediately headed my flight. Right in time!

My phone suddenly buzzed and I opened up to see that my mom texted me. I decided to messaged back with one hand holding the coffee cup and one hand with the phone.

Surprisingly I bumped into a male figure wearing a very clean, white shirt and I freaking spilled coffee all over him.

I jumped back and looked at annoyed face.

"Miss, are you kidding me?! Why are you so clumsy" He yelled while taking off his sunglasses.

At that moment, I wondered how I've never seen a handsome face before. He was amazingly striking.

But in this world, some amazingly gorgeous people has a mouth of useless manners.

"You here, pay me back!"

I just completely stared at him.

"Who do you think you are?" I scold back.

"You dirtied my shirt."

"And." I crossed my arms.

"You. Have. To. Pay. For. It."

I was super angry. No words could spit out of my mouth. I quickly took out my wallet and threw as much money as I could at him. I didn't want to look at his face and walked away as far as possible. I just hope I don't see him ever again. Wrong.

My mother once told me to never start a fight with someone and just walk away. What I did.

Jungkook's POV

Dang it! My shirt is all ruin. Goddamn that fricken girl.

Ring. Ring.

"Aye Jungkook, what time you arriving to LA?"

"Hey Jimin! Idk probably tomorrow since it's 6:00pm over here, ugh this fricken girl just dirtied my clothes, such a chaos!"

"Hey hey Jungkook, it was probably a mistake right?"

"Yeah I guess, she seemed like our age, omg it's so funny, she threw almost $100 dollars at me!" I smirked.

"WHAT Jungkook! You crazy, give it back to her!"

"I was about to say how I was joking, but she just ran away so..." sounding innocent.

"Aigoo Jungkook, well I guess keep the money, but it isn't cool, well goodbye and see ya, call me when you arrive!"

"Alright! Annyeong!" I said while heading to my flight.

Honestly, that girl... seriously what was she thinking, why would she just throw money at a random people even when I said to, but I didn't mean to.

I walked into my entrance and headed to the airline's plane.

Lisa's POV

While heading in my plane, I kept on thinking and regretting what I just did to that guy. Why would I go throw money at him?!

Must've been stupid.

I headed in and tried to find my seat and surprisingly someone was already on my seat!

Oh dear, it's that dude!

He was already, what look like to be sleeping, and having his headphones in his ears.

I tapped his shoulders once, and he didn't wake. Tapped his shoulder twice, didn't wake up. Third time, nothing. I decided to use some force by picking out a small strand of his hair.

When I did carefully picked it out, he opened his eyes and jumped up, which made me jumped and slipped.

Our eyes were both widen till I fell on top of him, my lips touching the right side of his cheek. Our eyes widen again and I jumped back where I stood.

That did not just happened. I technically kissed him.

I covered my mouth full of embarrassment while he pointed a finger at me.

"It's you again!" He yelled.

I was still covering my mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Is it my unlucky day to see you again!?"

I finally take away my hand from my mouth and said back.

"It's not your fault that I'm here, and trust me, I don't want to see you either!" I scolded.

He stood up and we both headed to one of the assistant women and said how we wanted to change seats.

Surprisingly we couldn't.


HELLO I AM BACK LOL I AM INDEED WRITING A NEW STORY FOR FUN LOLOL DO YOU GUYS REMEMBER ME? Well I decided to write this is because I honestly ship Lisa and Jungkook like f YESS! Anyways I always say that I'll update often but LOLOL you don't even know XD ❤💌 but yeah still like and comment !!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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