g. four

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"You've done nothing to help."

"Hush, Stephan, I'm very busy," Sawyer waved off as she brushed Agambir fur. "You've got so many fleas, Agambir! What have you been playing with?" the werewolf growled so threatingly that all of the dragons care-taker stepped off, as Sawyer minded her own business.

"Would you at least help us get the dragons in?"

"Look, Stephan, I am very busy with the werewolf over here." Agambir looked nothing short of miserable. "I believe in your ability to take care of four dragons who are already passed out."

Agambir took the moment of distraction to get away, taking a safe distance from the girl.

"Well, seems like you're done," Charlie noted. "So will you help?"

"Fine, Pickle-boy. I'll help," she sighed, getting up. She stepped closer to him, pressing her arm against his. "So what do I do?"

Charlie looked down at her face as she peered up at him, and after a few moments of silence, he finally spluttered out a "just hand us the chains, you shouldn't get too close to any of the dragons."


"So how long has this thing been going on?" Lee asked as he joined Sawyer, Fred and George a few days after the first task, where the three of them were in the midst of another letter for Bagman.

"What have?" Fred asked rather nervously; even though George's offered to tell Lee about what happened with Bagman, they decided they should keep it as low as possible.

"You," he pointed at Sawyer, who was in the midst of a bite from an apple, pausing and lowering his voice considerably, "crushing on Charlie Weasley."

The apple pieces went flying into Lee's face.


"Our sister in law?"

"That could work!" Fred and George high-fived, Sawyer looking at Lee with pure shock as he cleaned his face.

"I-- I don't! I mean! What!" she just barely spluttered, completely at loss for words. "What!"

"I knew it! It's true!" Lee grinned in triumph. "How long? Did you break up with Wood because of that?"

"Lee!" Sawyer warned him. "First of all, no. Second, I mean, no! I'm not... Charlie's not... I don't! No! Nope. Bye."

"And there she goes."

"So wait, Lee, you're giving up on dating her?"

"Fred, George, you two really need to shut up."

"That sounds like love to me," George shurgged, standing up. "Hey, Sawyer, hold up!"

"Why are the four of you friends?" Hermione asked Fred as George disappeared after Sawyer.

"Honestly,  we've got no idea." Lee shrugged, snatching a piece of the pie Sawyer left.

"Want to be my best friend Hermione?" Fred asked quite charmingly, making her face grow a shade pinker than usual.

"I hardly think we'll get along very well."

"That's part of the fun," Fred winked at her, before turning to Lee. "See you at DADA?"

"Sure man," Lee waved as he walked off hurriedly, probably to catch up to his brother. "Hey, Hermione, you okay?" he asked the still pinker than usual girl.

"Peachy," she replied, storming off, her food practically un-touched.

"I swear, everyone's insane in this school."

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