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Springtraps POV
  "Don't try so hard!" I yelled as she tries to get off the bed.
She grunted as her hands tightened around the metal poles trying to push her self up.
She breathed,"No! I have to get up!"
I said,"If it too hard then don't try it yet!"
  Her weak;shaking feet hit the floor, as she wobbled up.
She then fell into me, but I caught her. Her heart beat was fast, her limbs shaking.
  Her yellow eyes shimmering, she cried.
"I...I...I don't want this! I don't want to leave you...then...have you fall in love with another girl..."
I held her tight,"I won't fall in love with anyone else Mangle..." I laughed a bit.
She closed her eyes, smiling she fell back on the bed.
She sighed," do...I'll kill her..."
"Why am I not shocked?"
Mangles nurse came in,"Mangle--oh! I'm sorry I didn't know you were here,Springtrap."
I asked,"Do I need to leave, Tamara?"
Tamara nodded,"Yeah. It's not for anything serious. Just a few tests, then we're having her sleep for a while. Feel free to stop by tomorrow!"
I nodded,"Ok." I tuned to Mangle,"By! See you soon!"
She smiled and nodded with a tear coming out of her eye,"Kay!"
"Bye, Tamara!" I said walking out of the door.

On my way back, I heard a scream. Not a scream--a yell for help. A high pitched female voice.
I ran down the street, and stoped were there stood Chica.
She saw me and yelled,"Springtrap!"
Running out from the darkness was a brunette with short hair, wearing a nurse uniform,"DIE!!!"
Chica gasped and stumbled back,"A-AIIE!"
Tamara swung the knife and yelled fast, spewing the words out of her mouth,"HES MINE! MINE!! NOT YOURS!!DIIEEE!!!"
Chica covers her face with her arms, then--a yell of terror and pain filled the quiet streets,"AHHHHHHHG!!!!!"
Blood covering her shirt, arm,face.
With a POP Tamara fell to the floor.
A man and a woman ran out of a nearby house. The man asked us questions, the wife calling for help.

I said to Chica as we sat down in her room,"I don't get it...why would she want to kill you?"
Chica said,"I didn't even know her. I mean yeah, when I see Mangle I've seen her, but I didn't even know her name."
I said,"She was saying stuff about a boy being hers. Do you like the same one she does?"
"It IS possible. Foxy knows Tamara  more then I do. Tamara probably fell for him."
I remembered something; when I first meet Tamara she said,"Don't try to flirt with me." She smiled holding up her left hand showing a ring,"I have a man!"
"She has no reason to attack you! She's married!"
"Do you know her husband?"
"No, I don't think I do."
"If she was attacking for because of you and her husband it makes no sense, besides why does she have to worry? There married. Could have she mistaken you for someone?"
"No. When she attacked she called my name, over and over. She KNEW it was me."

  Nothing makes sense anymore. Why is Mangle dying? Why did Tamara try to kill Chica?
  Chica ran into my room,"SPRINGTRAP!"
"What is it?!"
"Tamara, I looked at her online, her eyes a a very dark brown, but when she attack, her eyes were blue!"
"They were blue?! Could've she been wearing contacts?!"
"No! A post from a week ago she was saying how after her eye appointment, her eyes sight is 20/20! The is no explanation why her eyes were blue!"
It all makes sense, people are being controlled to kill.

I walked into Mangles room. She sat in her bed playing on her phone. She saw me and said,"Hey!" Her phone slipped out of her hands.
I said,"Catch!" I threw the little toy at her. A dog plush.
She picked it up to her face and said,"It's so cute!"
She dropped it and grounded.
I asked,"Why do you kept dropping stuff?"
"My grip is weak."
"Is it a symptom?"
"Yeah. I hope and so do the doctors that I get better! Also, I heard of what Tamara tried to do to You and Chica, I'm so sorry."
  "We lived. It's all cool. Wait, how did you know about that?"
"Tamaras son came in to see me and told me."
"Oh? How old is he?"
"Don't worry I don't like him! He's 16!"

I said goodbye and left. I texted Chica about what Ma gel said bout the son.
Chica responded:She didn't ant have a 16 year old son. Tamara is 23 it's impossible for her to she a soon that young. She does a infant daughter, but no son.

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