Waiting on the Bench

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Nick sat inside the police station, not knowing what to do. It had only been six hours since the events at Animalia occurred, and no one had put him back inside his jail cell yet. He did see Swinton however, kicking and screaming about how she was being arrested for no good reason. Nick laughed at that. No good reason...As if darting predators and framing them and also putting the city at danger wasn't a good reason.

Nick sat on a cold metal bench against the wall, near the desk of the ZPD. He looked up, seeing the balcony that he launched himself over only a few days ago. What fun that had been, nearly breaking his legs. He then looked to the glass doors at the front of the building. The night sky could be seen outside, but the smallest glimpse of orange was peeking behind the skyline. He smiled, thinking about how only a few days ago that rabbit had been standing there, believing she was tough. But she froze at the sight of Nick running towards her. But he wouldn't hold that against her.

That was also bothering him. That water buffalo had walked off, telling Nick to remain on the bench. No one was really watching him, but the officers that wandered around knew who he was and wouldn't let him escape if he attempted to. So he couldn't leave. Which meant not knowing how Judy was holding up at the hospital. He didn't know if she was going to be alright.

The fox still didn't understand why Judy had nearly ended her life for him anyway. What kind of rabbit would get themselves killed for a fox? But then he did recall Judy telling Honey that she would make sure that none of them got hurt. But he didn't realize she REALLY meant it.

Nick sighed, leaning back against the bench. It'd been a long couple of months. He had to say goodbye to the park that he and his friends worked so hard on. He had to leave his friends for a month in jail. Then he went on this crazy, painful adventure across the city with this police officer that happened to be a bunny. Not to mention getting shot twice in only a month's period with a serum that caused him to go completely insane. He was tired.

Some officers and other animals still watched him to assure that he wasn't still savage from the effects of the night howler serum earlier that night. Nick still felt a bit of fuzziness inside his head, but knew deep down that he was mostly back to normal. He still got skeptical glances from a few animals passing by.

But Nick knew he had taken all the anger and frustration out on the tigers, who were all resting in a confined area. Nick overheard the officers saying that once they woke up, they would be back to normal and released to go back to being Gazelle's tiger dancers.

"Well, you managed to do it, Nick." came a voice. Nick's ears perked up, turning his head to see Honey, Finnick, and Clawhauser standing near the bench. The badger sighed, shaking her head. They all three looked roughed up, but Nick could tell they tried to brush their fur and make themselves look like they hadn't just gotten into a fight with three warthogs. He didn't see the weapons in Honey's shirt, meaning they must of dropped them off back at her place.
"You guys! I'm happy you guys are okay." smiled Nick. Honey growled.

"Okay okay yeah I understand that that was all dangerous.." muttered Nick.

"You nearly got killed by that warthog and then by the tigers." said Honey.

"Yeah well, I didn't." he replied. "If anything the only one in the group that got seriously injured was Judy."

"Ah, she kept her promise." smiled the badger. "Of course, she wasn't the only one who got extremely injured. Little Fin here used his pepper spray on one of the pigs. He cried from the pain." Honey laughed. "It was great to watch."

Nick smiled. "Heh, well, I'm glad you guys are alright."
A moment of silence passed between them, before Clawhauser spoke.
"So, is she alright? I saw her get...shot." he asked shyly.

Nick shook his head. "I don't know. They won't let me go see her, and no one is telling me anything about her. It's driving me crazy. Although I'm sure it'll be on the news in the morning."

"So will you. Get ready to make the headlines again, Nicholas Wilde. You're about to be famous once again, the last time being you getting arrested after attacking everyone at the park." giggled Finnick.

Nick rolled his green eyes.

"Boy, I can't wait to get back to that tasty jail cuisine." sighed Nick.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm afraid you won't be dining in the jail cafeteria anytime soon." said a deep voice. They turned to see the water buffalo standing there, watching them.

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