Chapter Three

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*I again only got 2 votes. And I know they are from my two friends and I hope more people read and vote because I truly love this story. I'm hoping for 3 votes again because it would make me extra excited to write*

The Doctor left without me. How could he just leave? He knew how much it meant to me that I travel with him!

I grabbed my TARDIS body pillow that I had made from the description my mother had given me and threw it across the room, hitting my books that stood up on a table, knocking them striaght to the ground with a loud THUMP.

Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't stand the thought of losing him this soon after meeting him.

Was it a dream? Did I dream what happened last night? Was he real? Or was he just part of my imagion.

I sighed heavily, a single tear falling down my cheek. I stood up throwing stuff to the ground in anger. My hearts were beating rapidly as I tossed books and toys I made crashing to the ground.

I was breathing heavly as I looked around my room to see everything on the ground. I stormed into the bathroom and grabbed two towels. I quickly stripped all my clothes off and went into the shower, turning on the cold water.

The water quickly numbed my body, as the water streamed down my body. But I didn't feel the cold, I was hurt, he couldn't have left me so soon. I thought he liked having another Time Lord around, not to be alone. But maybe he didn't.

I heard my family calling my name but I didn't respond. I was too hurt to, I felt numb. The one man who made me feel like I belonged had left. He had found out what was wrong with me and then left without saying goodbye.

My mum unlocked the door and slowly walked in "Violet?" she asked, concern showing in her voice. "Yeah?" I asked, my voice weak. "Honey, what's wrong? I saw your room. What happened?" "He left, he left without saying goodbye. He told me that he would take me with him and then I woke up and he was gone," I said, tears pouring down my face.

Suddenly the water in the shower turned off, I turned around to see my mum's hand holding my towels. I quickly wrapped them around my head and body then stepped out.

"We need to talk," mum said, leading me into my room. I carefully walked around all the items on the ground to my bed. She sat next me. "Honey, the Doctor leaves. That's what he does, only a special few get a chance to travel with him. . ." she began. Tears started to pour down my face. ". . .but you are one of those lucky few. He didn't leave. We were getting ready for Lily's thing and so he came with us so he could talk to us about you coming. He wanted to make sure that it was ok with us that you went." My face shot up to meet hers. Does this mean that he didn't leave?

"H-he didn't leave?" I asked. "No," mum said, smiling at me. "So what did you say? About me going?" I asked, now eager to see him. "Your dad was not happy about it, but I told the Doctor yes. You have to get out and see the universe. It was what you were meant to do," she said, petting my arm. "You know i'm a Time Lord?" I asked. She nodded, "I kinda planned it."

"You planned it?" I asked, my eyes almost popping out of my skull. "Yeah, when I traveled with the Doctor, I saw how lonely the Doctor was. He saved millions of people but was the lonelest man i've ever met. He deserves to have a campaion that he can travel with for a really long time and I wanted to help give that to him," she said, smiling at me. I smiled back, knowing that my place was next to the Doctor in the TARDIS.

"So where is he?" I asked, looking around at my messy room. "Your dad is giving him some rules," she said, looking at the door. I laughed thinking of a 700 plus man, being told rules by my father. "I'll let you change, then you can come out," she said, heading for the door.

After changing into jeans, and a red short-sleeve shirt, I went out into the living room, to see my dad standing in front of the couch as he finished up his lector to the Docotor. "And no matter what, keep her safe. If anything happens to her, I'll hurt you," he said, smirking at a past memory. I heard the Doctor chuckle, as he stood up. "Rory, I promise you that she will be safe. I would give up my own life to save her," he said, patting Rory's shoulder. "Hopefully that won't be neccessary," I said, making the Doctor turn around.

"Violet!" he cheered, walking up and hugging me tightly. "Can I talk to you?" I asked, a look of worry came to my face. The Doctor's smile turned as he nodded. I walked into my room as the Doctor followed.

"What happened?" he asked, seeing everything on the ground. I looked down, "I thought you left and I was sad and mad, so I had to throw a couple things," I said, dissapointed at myself. I felt the Doctor's arms wrap around me, "I'm sorry Violet, I should have left a note or something," he said, kissing my forehead. "I wasn't sure if you wanted to travel with me anymore. I wasn't sure if you wanted to stay alone," I said, not looking at him. He gently lifted my chin, making me look at him, "Violet, no one likes to be alone. It's not fun at all and i'm happy to travel with you. I was just thinking of things last night after I found out," he said. "What were you thinking about?" I asked, now curious. The Doctor looked down, "I was thinking about what you said about the dreams." "What about them?" I asked, thinking maybe he was freaked out about it. "I want to know why you're having them," he said. "Do you know why?" I asked, wanting to know the answer as well. "No," he said. Then he took my hand and smiled. "Ready to see the TARDIS?" he asked.

I nodded, as he led me out to the blue 1960's police box. He snapped his fingers and the door clicked open. I slowly opened the door walking inside. My jaw dropped seeing how big it was. My dreams gave the TARDIS no justice. It was much more amazing than I could ever dream of. "Oh my gosh," I said, not being able to say anything else. I felt at home here. I looked at the Doctor to see his smiling face, you could tell he loved when people saw the TARDIS for the first time. I hugged him tight. "Thank you so much!" I yelled, so happy to be able to walk/travel in the TARDIS. He hugged back, "You're welcome," he said, kissing my forehead. "Get ready to go, say goodbye to everyone," he said, walking up to the consale in the middle of the huge room. "Promise you won't leave?" I asked. He smiled at me, "I promise, now go! We have lots to see," he said, playing with the controls.

I found my mum and dad and hugged them tightly. They smiled at me, "Remember to come and see us. Tell us all about it!" mum cheered. I smiled at both of them, my eyes filling with tears. "Don't cry, you've been waiting for this your whole life," my dad chuckled. I laughed, hugging them tightly. "Where's Lily?" I asked, looking around. "She's sleeping, she's tired from dancing," dad said, not letting go of me. "Tell her I said bye," I said, hugging them again. I couldn't think of leaving my parents, they had always been there. They walked me to the TARDIS, when my mum pulled me aside.

"Remember what the first rule is?" she asked. "The Doctor lies," I said, then it hit me. Did he lie to me about the dreams? I decided to let it go for now. I could always think about it later. "Remember to come home and tell us all about it," she said, hugging me. She walked me into the TARDIS, "You better take care of her Doctor," she warned.

The Doctor laughed, "I will Ameila," he said, walking down to us. Mum hugged him, and smiled at us, before she stepped out of the TARDIS.

"Ready?" the Doctor asked, taking my hand. I nodded, smiling. He pulled me up to the consoul and started playing with the controls before placing his hand on the lever, he smiled at me. I could tell nothing made him happier than traveling. "Hang on," he said. I placed my hand on top of his as he pulled the handel down, sending us flying through time and space.


*3 votes please! It would make me happy :) Please help me spread the story because I believe it deserves to be read. VOTE, MESSAGE, AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!*


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