Chapter 25 | Myles

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I can't say that I've ever felt this great before in my life.

The only worries I had were people finding out about me being gay. I must admit, I'm tempted to come out but I knew I wasn't quite ready yet.

It's frustratingly hard watching Cole mingle with the girls all the time.

They flutter their eyelashes, twirl their hair, giggle and place a hand on his chest or arm.

They so blatantly flirt with him. Cole never flirts back, though. So that gives me some reassurance.                   ,

Still, I wish sometimes we could be like that out in the open. But, in fact, we aren't even like that when we are alone.

But we are about to be one step closer to becoming official.

Cole has invited me to his parent's house tomorrow night.

He wants me to meet them.

And introduce me as his boyfriend.

Boyfriend. That makes me feel giddy inside.

Yes I'm nervous as hell, but this should be good. No matter the outcome.

Because it should bring us one step closer to where we want to be in our relationship.

Cole had told me that his parents had never seemed homophobic before, so we have a high chance of acceptance.

But of course there's always the fear that it could horribly wrong.


Watching the football boys train has basically become my favourite part of the day.

I would make my way over with Jemma and Spencer to watch Mycah and Cole practice.

Although, Jemma and Spencer come along for Jackson and Arsen. Well, I guess I do too.

Except today, it was only going to be me and Jemma, since Spencer is away with the flu.

Jemma has been relentless about finding about 'this guy' I like.

So I told her that today I would show her.

"So who is he?" She asked.

I pointed to exactly where Cole was standing. "There, that's him."

"Number 8?" Jemma said and frowned.

I see why see she frowned, Number 8 is butt ugly. But Number 8 was not Cole, just standing near him.

"No, no, not him. Ew," I chuckled. "Number 3."

"What!" She smacked my shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" I said.

But she ignored my question.

"Dude that's Cole! He's your boyfriend?" She asked.

Was really that hard to believe?


"Omg, he's so hot!" She shouted.

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