Suprised (Chapter 11)

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  Zach's POV

  I ran for the door. Ugh I'm such a idiot! Why do I think out loud! I'm so dumb to think he would ever like me. "Wait!" Taro said grabbing my sleeve as I almost reached the door. He pulled me into his arms. "Don't leave me." He whispered into my neck as I shivered. I felt my face grow warm as he let's go of me and leans on the door. He looks at me and says word I never thought I would hear.

"Do you love me?  He asked. 

"Wha!?" I was suprised. 

"Do you love me.?"  I looked at that note.  I remembered I left my name on it. NO!

"Don't read the note." I muttered.GOD DAMNIT,  He heard me.  He leaned against the door blocking me from the only exit.  He read the note aloud.

Dear Taro,

Hi, you probably don't know me but, I know you.  I want to talk to you under the Sakura Tree.  I have been crushing on you for a year now.  My name is Zach. (We met at lunch and said hi but nothing else really.)

4:00 pm after school.

From Zach

He looked up at me blushing. I hid my face. He smirked looking me up and down. I-Is he gonna use me......?

He pushed me into the wall. He kissed me. His tounge entered my mouth.  I squirmed.  I was trying to escape, I felt embarrassed.  I gave up and closed my eyes.  He moved to my neck and started to suck on it.  "Ahh~♡!"  I moaned.  He grabbed my crotch.  My eyes widened when I realized what was happening I tried to push him off me and failed.

"STOP!!!" I yelled trying to push him off again I failed.  He laughed and moved down. He unzipped my pant and got down he got ready to suck.  Before he could i kneed him in the face and ran out of the bathroom.  I didn't think Taro would be like that I cried I ran to the occult club.  I slammed the doors open.  They all looked at me.  I turned to see Shin.  He got up and walked over to me.

"W-Whats wrong Zach. Let's go somewhere else to talk.. okay?" I nodded.

I told him what happened.  He looked at me, he was furious. He hugged me and asked where Taro was. I told him he stormed off.

Shins POV

No one can do that. My friend or not. I stormed to the third floor bathroom.  I open the door. "TARO!!!" I yelled. I saw him on the floor jacking off. "That's disgusting!" I say looking away. 
"I can explain." He said. 
I put my hands on my hips and said, "Why'd you touch him like that?"
  His eyes widen, "Uhm... What do you mean.... Hehe." He said nervously.  He pulled up his pants and blushed. "Cut the bullshit!" I smack him before  leaving a red mark on his face.  He looked up at me shocked. 
"DON'T EVER TOUCH HIM LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" I yelled I heard the door open and I turned around.  It was Budo.

Budo's POV

I hear yelling in the bathroom and go in.  I see Shin with a frown and Taro with a red mark on his face.  Shin looked at me and looked back at Taro. 

"I swear if you touch him like that without his permission I swear I will KILL YOU!!!" He yelled and stormed out. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Well I got carried away on this really cute boy and I... started touching him.  I got carried away, okay! He told me to stop but, I couldn't.  I got down and was getting ready to give him a blow job but then, he kneed me in the face and ran out. And he sent Shin on me."  Taro said. I chuckled at the thought of Shin beating Taro up. This idiot. Now for the current incident..
"TARO!" I yell at him. 

"I'm sorry." He muttered looking down in shame. I sigh as he looked down and walked out. Why would Taro do something like that? I want to do that to my Shin~!  I think and chuckle. I want his little body under my strong body.  I felt my pants tighten. Shit, I'm such a perv..   I need to relieve my self.  I grabbed it and I moaned. Shin... 

I Want To Be Loved (Budo X Shin Fanfic Yandere Simulator) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now