Chapter 16

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"It's getting late. [Name] you have training again tomorrow so I suggest you head off to sleep. Jack, do the same. You're going to help me with training [Name] tomorrow." My heart sunk into my stomach when Slender spoke those words. I don't want anyone to see my ability! I'm a freak! I say in my head, Slender just looks at me, shaking his head side to side.
"Toby, Hoodie, Masky. I suggest you all go back to your rooms as well." Slender demands. All 3 gave nods, walking towards the hallway.
"S-Saved by the b-bell." Toby murmurs as he walks out the room. Slender teleports away and Jack leaves , making his way to the bedroom. I was alone for a few seconds before I realised everyone had left. I quickly stood up from the floor and ran to Jacks room.

I reach Jacks room and I give a small knock before walking in. He wasn't in there. I sigh, walking over to my bed, laying down under the blankets. I was too lazy to put my pyjamas on.
I closed my eyes, ready to go to sleep when suddenly the door opened and Jack walked in. I sat up, looking at him.
"Jack?" I mumble as he stares at me. Before I knew it, Jack had lunged at me, pinning me to the bed, my arms above my head.
"Jack! What are you doing!?" I cry out. But he just uses a free hand to cover my mouth.
"This is the first time we will be sleeping in the same room together, so I want to point a few things out." He growls, pushing harder against my mouth with his gloved hand.
"I do not sleep with my mask on, and I'm not going to change that for someone like you. So, you must sleep facing the wall at all times. You must not turn around until I have given the 'all clear' got it?" I quickly nod my head. His hand moving with my movement.
"I forbid you to look at my face under this mask. So if I catch you looking or I find out that you even so much as glanced at me. I will kill you, do you understand?" A small tear rolls down my face after hearing those words. My body filled with fear. What's so bad about his face? Jack was such a confusing guy. He's nice then mean then nice then mean.
"I said, do you understand me!" He repeats himself, snarling at me. I whine from behind his hand as more tears fall down my face in fear, nodding quickly to show I was listening.
Jack chuckles, lowering his head towards mine.
"You know, that fear in your face. It's very satisfying." He states. I hear the quiet sound of a tongue licking lips. I shrink my body into my bed and pillow, pulling away. Clenching my eyes shut and letting out a small quiet cry. He huffs and crawls off me, standing by the side of my bed. He pulls out his scalpel and holds it to my neck.
"Now. Face the wall." I flinch in fear as I slowly shuffle my body to face away from him. My back to his bed. I hear the sounds of him walking away followed by a bed creaking. Not long after, I hear the slight sound of a hard material clanging against the side table. It was his mask. My body starts to shake as I close my eyes and try to sleep. Why am I forbidden to see his face? What's so bad about it that he needs to wear a mask? Why does his personality change so much?

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