Chapter 35

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3rd Person.

Kol now stood in the hallway of Elena's house, head ducked down as he stood, cross-legged, and leaned against the stairs banister for support. He was worried. He wasn't going to admit it out loud but he was.

To be completely honest, he was more than worried.

Elena and Caroline had caught onto this quite early, mostly from the shaking of Kol's leg and the constant pacing he was doing. Elena watched from the kitchen counter as Kol pushed himself away from the banister with his hand before turning twice on the spot and taking three steps towards the front door before turning to face her and taking another three strides.

He repeated this action multiple times and Elena eyed him, both curious and slightly nervous. Elena did love Luna with all her heart, she was one of her best friends and it was basically an obligation to love your best friends but she sometimes questioned Lunas choices in life.

Like now. How had Luna gotten herself into such a mess that she was lying, dead, on her best friends couch whilst her undead boyfriend paced the hallways beside her and her undead boyfriend's undead dog brother sat on the swing chair on the porch of the house?

Admittedly, It was Elena who had gotten her into this mess but Luna had chosen to go down the path she was on and Elena could not be held responsible for that - at least that's how she saw it in her eyes.

As Elena watched Kol and pondered about her friends life choices Klaus sat on the swing on the porch, slowly swinging back and forth as he stared at the sky, lost in his own world as he waited for Luna to wake up from ... Dead land.

Caroline sat on the couch, Luna's legs resting on hers. Caroline, much like Elena, was thinking about Luna's choices although she wasn't particularly judging - just thinking. Caroline absentmindedly fiddled with the shoelaces tied tightly on Luna's shoes as she thought, humming an unknown tune as she did so.

"Shouldn't she be... Awake by now?" Elena asked, mostly towards Kol, as she watched the boy stop tugging his hands through his hair viciously, unknowingly ripping out multiple small hairs as he did so. At Elena's words Kol stopped his movements and looked back towards his girlfriend who still laid on the couch silently, not moving or even breathing.

Kol made his way to her side instantly, lowering his hand to brush his knuckles softly against her cold cheek before running his long fingers through her hair softly, absentmindedly smiling to himself as he did so. Caroline watched him carefully, a small smile growing on her lips when she noticed how much Kol liked the girl beside her.

"She's only been out for twenty minutes or so, it can take up to three hours for some people," Kol shrugged slightly, moving his hand from her face to look towards Elena who now made her way into the living room. Kol knew that there was a chance that Luna wouldn't wake up at all but he simply ruled that choice out. There was no way a girl as strong as Luna would fail.

Klaus listened in to their conversation from outside, sighing to himself when it went silent again - the tense atmosphere returning. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself as he locked his senses onto Caroline, listening to her heart beat. He frowned to himself when he realised how quick and panicked it sounded, stress was not something that Caroline needed in her life right now, or anytime as Klaus had thought.

As soon as he had laid eyes on her on the night of her birthday Klaus knew he was gone. He had only seen the girl once before this occasion, at the school where he had turned Tyler; but at the time he was too infatuated with the idea of making his own little army of hybrids to even glance twice at the beauty that Tyler had been taking for granted.. And that was one of the reasons he asked Tyler to bite her - he did not deserve such a queen in his presence nevermind in his arms.

That night Klaus had decided he did not like the young hybrid.

Klaus knew that making Luna into another hybrid minion would only push Caroline further from him but surely if she could forgive him once for a mistake like this then he could do it with ease? At least he hoped so. He needed Luna and he wanted Caroline, he was in quite the predicament.

Caroline looked up at that moment, frowning slightly as her eyes landed on Klaus who was looking back at her. A smirk appeared on his face as he realised that she was looking back at him.

Caroline narrowed his eyes at him before moving Luna's legs off her lap and standing up, making her way to the door and opening it, finding Klaus already leaning against the door frame, smirking down at her. "Why are you still here?" Caroline asked with narrowed eyes.

"I have to keep an eye on my little investment, love," Klaus answered with his smirk still playing on his lips. His smirk turned into a smile as he noticed Caroline's tongue darting out of her mouth to wet her lips.

Luna gasped loudly, shooting up from her position on the couch and glancing around her, panicking slightly before relaxing as she noticed where she was - safe in Elena's house. She let out a sigh of relief, beginning to relax back down into the couch when her eyes caught a hold of Klaus at the door.

"You little bitch!" She yelled loudly at the man, shocking him and the three others in the house with her. She lunged towards him, her eyes glowing golden as she growled loudly and Kol quickly grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her back. "You killed me!" She yelled at Klaus, struggling in Kol's grip.

"You wanted to die," Klaus replied with a shrug as Elena ran into the hallway after hearing the noise.

"Not by you, you inconsiderate asshole!" She yelled, throwing her arms towards him and kicking backwards into Kol, trying to pry herself away from him. "Let me go, Kol!" She yelled at her boyfriend who just tightened his grip.

Kol nodded at Caroline who shut the door in Klaus' face before turning to Luna who relaxed slightly after not seeing him. "Elena, if you would please?" Kol asked, nodding toward the girl in his arms and Elena caught on, nodding and moving to Kol.

He bit down on her arm quickly before moving it towards Luna who looked at the blood smothered across Elena's arm before moving her mouth towards the bleeding wrist and biting down, sighing happily as the liquid moved down her throat.



im really sorry i havent updated this in forever, i just got really busy with school stuff!

hopefully ill be able to update this more often now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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